The Complete Sleep Checklist — 24 Tips for Perfect Sleep

Project Transcend
4 min readOct 29, 2023


Scientifically Proven Tips for Achieving the Ultimate Night’s Rest, One Habit at a Time

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Sleep, it’s a unique experience for each of us. Everyone’s body is different, and the ideal conditions for a good night’s rest can vary. You don’t have to adopt all 24 of these tips at once. Instead, experiment with each one for a while and see if it makes a difference that fits your lifestyle.


One thing that people never talk about when it comes to sleep is mindset. I believe it to be just as important as all the other habits. So here are some ways to shift your sleep mindset.

  1. Don’t create superstition: When it comes to sleep, many of us feel the pressure to get a certain number of hours, often fixating on the elusive 8-hour goal. However, it’s crucial to understand that there is no scientific proof that everyone needs exactly 8 hours of sleep. If you don’t have any medical issues preventing sleep, trust that your body will naturally fall asleep when it needs to.
  2. New belief:I don’t need a lot of sleep” Shifting your mindset to believe that you don’t require excessive sleep can help reduce the anxiety surrounding sleep.
  3. Be able to sleep on the ground: Remember that humans have been sleeping in various conditions for thousands of years. Your environment might not be ideal, but your body will eventually fall asleep. Anxiety is often what keeps you awake, so return to the idea that you don’t need a perfect sleep setup.
  4. Limit sleep tracking: While sleep tracking can be useful for some, it can also increase anxiety. If tracking your sleep patterns makes you anxious, consider reducing how often you check or even stop altogether.
  5. Don’t judge yourself: Remember that humans and animals don’t require perfect sleep to survive.
  6. Weekends and weekdays are equivalent; oversleeping on the weekend won’t compensate for lost sleep during the week.

Habits to Implement

  1. Maintain a cool room temperature: Aim for a temperature between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6 to 20 degrees Celsius) for the most comfortable sleep.
  2. Eliminate light sources: Remove all light sources from your bedroom, including charging indicators, LED lights, and screens. Keeping your phone out of the bedroom can also reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.
  3. Invest in blackout curtains or an eye mask: Create a pitch-black sleeping environment, even during daylight hours.
  4. Consider a weighted blanket: Many find weighted blankets helpful for better sleep. Aim for one that’s around 10% of your body weight.
  5. Invest in a quality mattress: Since you spend a third of your life on your mattress, don’t skimp on it.
  6. Use white noise or earplugs: If you’re a light sleeper, white noise can help drown out disruptive sounds. Earplugs are also effective, and many white noise apps are readily available.
  7. Get morning sunlight: Spend at least 20 minutes in the morning sun, aiming for an hour of sunlight throughout the day to regulate your circadian rhythm.
  8. Take a short pre-bedtime walk: A 15-minute walk before bed can be a relaxing way to unwind, similar to meditation.
  9. Exercise earlier in the day: Try to work out earlier to avoid elevated body temperature close to bedtime.
  10. Turn off screens: Avoid screens for at least 2 hours before bedtime; opt for paper and pencil if necessary.
  11. Stick to a sleep schedule: Go to bed between 9 and 11 PM and set an alarm to wake up at a consistent time.
  12. Sleep naked: Sleeping without clothes can enhance comfort and regulate your body temperature.
  13. Reserve your bedroom for sleep and sex: Avoid using your bedroom for activities like working or eating.
  14. Take a hot shower or bath before bed: A warm shower or bath can help lower your core body temperature, promoting natural sleep.
  15. Incorporate “chill time” before bed: Ensure you have adequate time to relax before sleeping to reduce anxiety and adrenaline.

Habits to Stop

  1. Kick stimulants: Avoid stimulants altogether or cease consumption before 10 AM to prevent interference with sleep.
  2. Eat earlier: Have your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime, and opt for foods that aid digestion.
  3. Avoid alcohol close to bedtime: Alcohol can significantly impact sleep quality, so try to avoid it within 4 hours of bedtime.
  4. Limit liquid intake before bed: Stop drinking liquids 3 hours before bedtime to prevent nighttime urination, reducing sleep fragmentation.

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Project Transcend

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