This Will Change Your Life in 30 Days

It’s Not What You Think

Project Transcend
3 min readMay 7, 2024
Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

As I am writing this 5 months have already passed from the start of the new year.

How close are you to the goals that you set out at the beginning of the year?

What excuses have you given yourself this time?

If this is making you slightly uncomfortable, maybe it should, maybe you should ask yourself what the fuck am I doing.

And I don’t judge you. If I’m being honest I am writing this more for myself than for others, because I’ve been slacking off as much as you have.

But if I’m willing to put in the hard work I hope that you can do the same and that the next 30 days will be some of the hardest but allow the best days of this year.

If you accept this challenge keep reading, if you don’t there is probably a Netflix show you need to ketch up on.

Phase one

Take out a piece of paper and a pen.

Go on I can wait.

Write down all your goals for the next 30 days.


How many do you have?

5,6,7 maybe 10 maybe more.

Now rank them in order of importance with one being your most important one and the last one being something you might not even need.

Now cross out everything but the first two goals on your list.

These two are the only ones you are going to be focusing on for the next 30 days.

Phase two

Now that you have your two goals for this month, I want you to write down next to them what are the necessary steps in order for you to achieve your goals.

For example, if you wrote down getting fit, your main steps are going to the gym and eating clean.

Same as with the previous step don’t complicate things and add a million unnecessary steps.

Follow the 80/20 rule.

What 20 percent of my habits give me 80 percent of my results.

Phase three

Don’t eliminate, replace.

Now that you have your main system in place you will end up with something like 2 to 5 hours of free time.

What are you going to do in that time period.


If your goal is to make money you are going to read any and every book on this topic.

Want to get jacked, watch YouTube videos on nutrition and lifting weights.

When you see super successful people they didn’t have a million and one thing in their day.

They focused on one thing at a time and once they achieved it, they moved on.

Phase four

Phase four is the realization that there will be a lot of distractions coming your way.

You might reconsider starting a new goal because the old two ones seem boring, you might start adding a bunch of things into your routine to “help” you with the main goal.

You might quit on the learning part altogether.

Your brain will convince you of a million things only to avoid the scariest thing in the modern day.


Your boredom threshold is so low that you will fail multiple times a day, but that is not the point.

The point is to push yourself so that over time it sticks.

Think of it like going to the gym. At first, it’s hard but it gets easier over time and even though you have some bad days in the totality of the year you still make progress.



Project Transcend

Self - Improvement | Writing about things I hope will help at least one person.