What is Looksmaxing and 31 Ways to Improve Your Looks Today

All the known ways one can improve his looks in a practical step-by-step guide

Project Transcend
12 min readDec 29, 2023
Image created in Dalle 3 by the author

Before getting into all the different ways one can improve his looks, let’s go over what looksmaxxing really is.

For those who don’t know what looksmaxing is, you can probably take a good guess based on the title, but just so we are all on the same page, let me give you a basic definition.

To put it simply, looksmaxing is a trendy new way of saying how to look better, how to maximize the way you look.

What makes looksmaxing different from traditional how to improve the way you look?

Looksmaxxing is more targeted towards men.
It is much easier to sell the idea of looksmaxxing to a guy than something like how you can look beautiful.

I will mention a lot of ways to looksmaxx in this blog post; you will know about some and probably never heard of others, so feel free to skip around and look for the things that you wish to improve on.

There will be three sections:

· Face

· Body

· Miscellaneous

With all that out of the way, let’s see…

How to looksmaxx

Before we get into how to looksmaxx, I want to direct your attention to the fact that your looks won’t make you a better human being.

You can improve your looks but only so much, and maybe the fact that you are not achieving things in life, be it getting a girlfriend/boyfriend, job, or anything else, comes down to more than how you physically present yourself.

With that out of the way, here are all the different ways you can looksmaxx.



This is something I heard Dr.Andrew Huberman talk about in one podcast.

Our modern diet consists of soft foods making your jaw underdeveloped.
One way to combat this is to eat harder foods like meat and nuts.

But the better solution, in my opinion, is to chew on hard gum or get a product dedicated to improving your facial aesthetics.

If you are not from the US, it can be hard to find a good product, but I found one called Jawliner which does offer free international shipping if you are interested I will leave a custom link to the product, so if you do decide to buy it, I get a small commission.

Hollow Cheeks

When searching how to achieve hollow cheeks, I came across a guy telling me to just slightly bite down on them, giving the illusion of having hollow cheeks.

My initial thought was there is no way I am doing this for the rest of my life; there must be a better way.

And there are two things I discovered that made a difference.

The first one is that you need to stop stuffing your face with food because it will overdevelop the buccinator muscle and make your face look more round.

The second thing is not swallowing correctly.
According to Mike Mew, roughly 85 percent of people don’t swallow correctly.
If you are swallowing with anything other than your tongue, you are doing it wrong.
If you want to learn more, here is the full video in which Dr. Mike Mew explains how to swallow correctly.


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Talking about Mike and his work, I cannot emphasize enough that you must start mewing.

I won’t go too much into what mewing is because Mike recently released a full mewing tutorial and breakdown on his YouTube channel Orthotropics.

But the basic idea is that by keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth, you can change your overall facial structure, giving you a sharper, more defined jaw, making your face grow forward, improving the look of your cheekbones and so much more outside the mere looks side of things.

Here is the link to the video.


Apart from the basics like brushing your teeth and flossing, make sure that you get a tongue scraper as most of the bacteria are found on the tongue.

Use whitening strips or get your teeth whitened by your dentist, which is much better since whitening strips don’t do as well of a job sometimes not covering the full teeth area, and the results don’t last as much.

(Whitening strips last for roughly 4 months compared to professional whitening which can last up to 3 years, depending on the protocol).


When it comes to the eyes apart from mewing, I have not found another solution for impacting their shape or size.

Undereye Bags

If you have undereye bags, the reason could be bad sleep or dehydration, in which case stay hydrated and try putting cold spoons or tea bags under your eyes

If you have something like sunken eyes where it seems like you have undereye bags all the time, you need to work on developing your jaw muscles, which will lift your face and get rid of that sunken look.


Eyebrows won’t make or break your looks, but since we are looksmaxxing let’s see all that we can do.
I have not tried using minoxidil to make them thicker; I have tried castor oil, which in case you are wondering has little to no improvement.
Besides that, just make sure that you shape them nicely and remove any in-between the eye area.

Lean Down

The leaner you are, the more chiseled your face will be.

I don’t want to waste too much of your time giving you dieting advice since I am not an expert, but one thing that has helped me is learning to make healthy meals that also taste good.

Spend some time on the internet looking for recipes that seem simple to make and try them out; over time, you should find some real gems that will be staples in your diet and make getting leaner easy.


Every single looksmaxxing video and article says the same thing.

Just use a cleanser and a moisturizer.

The truth is that every skin is different, and not every product is equally good for everyone.

You need to find your skin type and then based on that go and look for specific products that will work.

How to find your skin type?

Give your face a good wash with water or a light cleanser, wait for an hour, and take a look at your skin whether it’s oily or dry or anything in between.

Note that if you use too hard of a cleanser it can make your skin drier.

Now that you roughly know your skin type, go online and search for the best skincare for oily skin, dry skin, normal skin, acne…

You don’t need a bunch of crazy expensive products, but make sure you get a good cleanser, moisturizer, and if you are going outside, sunscreen.


I used to struggle a lot with acne, and no skincare regime seemed to do much.

That is until I made two drastic changes in my diet.

I removed all dairy products and all foods that contained sugar (and no, this does not mean fruit).

Apart from your diet, make sure that you switch out your pillowcase regularly.


A darker, more tanned skin tone is regarded as being more attractive.

But the downside is all the damage caused by the sun.

You can get a fake tan if you like it, but I would stick to having a tan only throughout the summer.


Find a hairstyle that suits your face shape.

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If this seems overwhelming and you don’t know if the hairstyle you chose will suit you, you can always try finding a good barber who will guide you not only in picking the right hairstyle but also in how to style and take care of it.


The best time to start taking care of your hair is before you start seeing balding, but in case you do, consult with your doctor and research whether using finasteride could help you.

If you don’t want to use any products, here is a highly controversial video that might solve your balding problems.


Research has shown that women prefer men with slight stubble over a full beard.

What if you don’t have a beard?

Same as with your eyebrows, look into applying minoxidil.

Until then, if you have only small beard patches, go for a clean shave.

Are you still here? Good, because as much as I try to keep this as short as possible, we only covered the face, so let’s not waste any more time and go straight into how to maximize the way your body looks.


The body is the other half of your looksmaxxing equation.

Here we will purely talk about muscle hypertrophy and packing on muscles in the right areas.

How to Stick to a Workout Regimen

There is no point in talking about all the different ways one can achieve an aesthetic physique if you can’t motivate yourself to go to the gym.
Here is an approach that will help you with gym consistency.

Exercise can be boring, especially lifting weights at the gym.
To make it more enjoyable, find a workout partner or join classes.
Having a coach, whether real or virtual, can also boost motivation.

Another approach is to change your self-image.
In the book “Atomic Habits,” it’s suggested that every action is a vote for the person you want to become.
By adopting habits that align with a healthy lifestyle, like better eating and consuming fitness content, you gradually see yourself as a healthy person who works out.

Bonus Tips:

Take Small Steps: Instead of focusing on the difficulty of the entire workout, break it down into smaller steps.
Start by grabbing your gym bag, then drive to the gym, and so on.

Rely on External Motivation: On days when you lack motivation, rely on external stimuli like coffee, music, or motivational videos to get you to the gym.
Once there, a good warm-up can make the rest of the workout easier.

Get a Good Foundation

If you’ve never been to the gym, there is no point in me telling you to work out your neck and traps.

It will only make your physique look worse.

Instead, focus on building a strong foundation, focusing on compound lifts and progressive overload.

Here is an example of a good workout plan to get you started.

Upper Body Workout:

· Bench Press: 3 sets x 8–12 reps

· Bent-Over Rows: 3 sets x 10–15 reps

· Overhead Press: 3 sets x 8–12 reps

· Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets x 10–15 reps

· Plank: 3 sets, hold for 30–60 seconds each

Lower Body Workout:

· Squats: 3 sets x 10–12 reps

· RDL: 3 sets x 10–12 reps

· Calf Raises: 3 sets x 15–20 reps

· Leg Curls: 3 sets x 10–15 reps

· Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 10–15 reps

Perform each workout 2 times a week (a total of 4 workouts a week) and make sure that you perform each exercise with the correct technique.

Now for the things that are going to enhance your physique.

Feel free to pick one at a time and once you are satisfied with the given look of the chosen muscle, dial down the volume for the set muscle and add new ones.

The V Taper

Ask any girl you want and whether they know it or not, they all prefer the athletic V taper look over any other.

How do you achieve such a look? It all comes down to your shoulders and lats.

These muscles will, combined with a small waist, give you exactly that.

For shoulders, focus on your side delts performing lateral raises with dumbbells or, as I prefer, with cables.

For lats, they should get significant stimulation from your pulling exercises, but if you want to target them more specifically, here are some great suggestions.

Neck and Traps

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Even in the coldest weather, the one area that everyone can see is your neck and your traps, so make sure they are on point.

When it comes to traps, shrugs will do a good job of developing them; as for the neck, doing neck curls where you are laying on your back and curling the weight with your head is a good starting point, as training the back of the neck by laying on your front and doing a similar motion.

If you want to learn more about neck training, check out Jeff Nippard on YouTube or Alex Leonidas.


As much as everyone is talking about how abs are made in the kitchen (which is true), even if you get lean enough, you won’t see them if they are underdeveloped.

And no, you don’t have to do a fancy 5-minute ab workout; as a matter of fact, I recommend avoiding those types of scammy workouts.

Abs are like any other muscle, meaning that 3 sets of 10–15 reps of moderate weight on leg raises and cable crunch will outperform any “5 minutes a day to get shredded abs” workout.

You can start by adding one set of leg raises and one set of cable crunches at the end of your upper body workouts.


Forearm training is vital for a well-rounded physique, especially since, apart from the neck and traps, forearms are the most visible muscle group when wearing a T-shirt.

Well-defined forearms enhance the overall aesthetics, contributing to a balanced and visually pleasing appearance.

Neglecting forearm exercises can leave an imbalance in muscular development, detracting from the overall impact of a physique.

You can look up online all the different ways you can train your forearms, but what has worked best for me is doing weighted pull-ups.

I know many of you are still struggling with regular pull-ups, but even those do an amazing job at building your forearms, and as a quick hack at the end of your last pull-up set keep hanging on the bar for as long as possible.


These are all the little hacks and tricks.

Some are a bit controversial on whether they work or not, but I will include them so that you can make your own judgments.

Eat Carrots

Eating carrots has been shown to make your skin tone more of a tan look.
This will depend on your starting beta-carotene levels, but eating a few carrots a day can only serve you anyway.

Gua Sha

It is basically like a rock you rub across your face to get rid of puffiness and make your jaw more defined.
Some find it useful, but if you have no jaw to begin with, it won’t do anything.

Redness-Relieving Eye Drops

This will give you clearer eyes, but I personally don’t see much point in using it every single day.
Get a small bottle and use it when necessary; it will last you a long time.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can lighten your hair color if you mix it with some water and spend some time in the sun.
This works surprisingly well, just be careful with how much lemon juice you put in your hair and how long you stay in the sun.

Drink Your Water

This is an obvious one, but just a quick reminder to stay hydrated.

Fix Your Posture

You can try doing some of those corrective exercises, but let’s face it, after a while, you will get bored of doing them.
I suggest thinking of your posture as a habit and every time you notice yourself slouching, fix your posture.


If you notice that your nails or hair are not looking so good lately, try supplementing with collagen.

Eyelash Curler

If all the other things on the list didn’t sound feminine, this one surely does.
The idea is to make your eyes pop more and give you a look that some people like.
Take a look at pictures online and make your own judgment.


Beetroot is known for its potential to increase vascularity, primarily due to its high nitrate content.
Nitrate, found in various vegetables including beets, can be converted into nitric oxide in the body.
Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it helps relax and widen blood vessels.
This dilation can improve blood flow, leading to increased vascularity or the visibility of veins.


If you made it to the end, here is the best tip I ever received.

Confidence is the key to looking good.

When you feel sure of yourself, it shows in how you carry yourself and interact with others.

Confidence makes you stand out, turning perceived flaws into unique qualities.

It’s like an internal glow that goes beyond just appearance.

People who are confident attract attention and inspire others.

It’s not just about meeting societal standards but feeling good about who you are.

So, forget about trying to look a certain way for others.

Embrace confidence — it’s the simplest and most powerful way to radiate genuine allure and make a lasting impression.

Congratulations on making it to the end.

This blog is sitting just shy of 3000 words, and the reason I am telling you this is that almost every sentence in here is an actionable step or something you can do.

No person on this planet can pull off every single thing I mentioned.

So use your common sense and pick what you think will serve you.

Once again, if you want to support me, click here to get your Jawliner.

Even though I am promoting them, there is good research that supports their use, and even world-class scientists like Andrew Huberman suggest using them.

I hope you found some value in this article. Keep learning, keep improving and I hope our paths cross again in the future. — John



Project Transcend

| [100% Follow Back] Self - Improvement | Writing about things I hope will help at least one person.