pharma is mispriced

2 min readNov 29, 2016


notable news

this story caught my attention a day before thanksgiving.

the reason it caught my attention was that the stock lost $9b in market value.

so, the public market had just valued the knowledge of the drug failure as being worth $9b. wow.

i was surprised that i knew of 33 people — the authors of this paper — that could have told you that the drug would fail.

in fact, anyone that read the paper since its publication in april 2016 could have told you that trial was a bust — along with 413 other trials.

$9b. one drug failure.

so, what if the rest of the pharma drug pipeline for alzheimers is also non-viable?

what if entire research areas of the pharma pipeline are non-viable?

the good news is that, with a better understanding of the root causes, we can focus our efforts on an approach that is more science and less stabbing in the dark. go team.

