Hiking the Wonderland Trail — Day 10 and Final Thoughts

Lena Ann
4 min readDec 31, 2021

Devil’s Dream Camp to Longmire
8 miles
Ascent 362 ft. / Descent 2,627 ft.

The Last Stretch — Author’s Image

I’d hoped that by this morning the mosquitos would have eased up, but as soon as I stepped out of my tent, the kamikaze dive-bombing began. We hurriedly stuffed everything in our packs to head out.

I stopped to give my trekking poles to Dusty. She’d been hiking without them and had two days left. I knew she still needed to get through the washout at Steven’s pass and I wanted her to be safe. Unfortunately, with the mosquitos trying to carry me off, we never exchanged info so if anyone knows Dusty from Idaho who loves to hike and is a Social Worker, send her my way!

Jenna and I tucked our tails and ran out of camp. About a half-mile up the trail, a wide-eyed guy who had clearly not been hiking long because he still smelled like clean clothes was walking in our direction, eager to stop and chat. Jenna and I kind of growled at him (poor guy) and suggested he get ready for major mosquitos as we rushed by.

Jenna quickly got way ahead of me and I felt the familiar frustration of being slower than her set in. But as the roar of mosquitos died down, I stopped to look around.



Lena Ann

I write about life, relationships, my journey to figure myself out … and that lady who invented fitted sheets, too. (I’m still mad, Bertha!)