How to Write Informative Articles.

Lena Ann
5 min readNov 6, 2021

It’s easier than you think.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Writing informative articles can seem a little bit daunting at first — especially if you’re like me and feel more comfortable writing personal essays rather than fact-based articles.

However, I recently decided to take a stab at article writing since I’ve been trying to create other avenues for generating a sustainable side-hustle with words.

My first few articles took me many hours to piece together 500 words, which was not a good use of my time. However, once I came up with a process, things moved along much more quickly.

Since I know there are others like me interested in creating income through writing, here is my 8-step process for writing informative articles.

Step 1: Choose the Topic and Length

For the articles I’ve written so far, I’ve been lucky that the topics and word length have been given to me within the parameters of the jobs assigned, so I haven’t had to come up with this on my own. However, these are two key pieces of information you need upfront.

Choosing the topic will help you with the next two steps while deciding on a length will give you a goal. 500–750 words have been my goal so far.



Lena Ann

I write about life, relationships, my journey to figure myself out … and that lady who invented fitted sheets, too. (I’m still mad, Bertha!)