Software Quality Assurance KPIs: Go For the Right Metrics

Lena Tyson
5 min readJul 27, 2023
Software Quality Metrics

To make your software project excellent, you need to have the right Software Quality KPI Metrics. Ensuring the right metrics means the project has met the stakeholders’ expectations. This blog sheds light on the importance of choosing the right software testing metrics and KPIs.

Choosing the right metrics can transform the requirements and performance for the better. The overall quality of a software development process can be determined with the help of software quality assurance KPIs. Several attributes of a software process like the extent, capacity, amount, dimension, etc are revealed by these software quality assurance KPIs. A software’s efficiency and effectiveness also get upgraded with these quality assurance metrics.

What is Software Quality?

Software is meant to fulfill an intended purpose and meet user needs. Software quality is all about measuring how well software performs and meets the demands of users. It also evaluates whether the software can perform all the functions it is assigned under any conditions. It is very essential to ensure the quality of the software as it is a never-ending process that involves testing, monitoring, and making improvements. The aim of quality assurance is enhanced customer satisfaction, reduced maintenance costs, and improved effectiveness. Software quality measurement takes into consideration the following aspects:

  • Functionality
  • Usability
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Maintainability
  • Portability
  • Compatibility
  • Conformance

A recognizable software QA company can offer solutions to improve the standard and quality of a deployed program thereby offering better business affinity from customers.

What Are Software Quality Metrics?

Software Quality Metrics are handy tools that help to have a detailed look into the performance of the software. This helps to track the areas that require improvement easily. These metrics can bring about progress in software.

Top Software Quality Metrics

Given below are top software quality assurance metrics to keep our projects in shape:

  1. Defect Density measures defects per line and identifies areas prone to errors.
  2. Test Coverage is another metric to measure the percentage of code tested and helps to identify areas that require testing.
  3. Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) measures the time a software system operates before it fails.
  4. Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR) measures the time taken to recover after a failure of the software system.
  5. User Satisfaction measures software’s end-users’ satisfaction and identifies areas that do not meet their needs.
  6. Load Testing helps to measure the ability of software to handle many users and transactions and also identifies those areas that are not having the capability to handle high traffic.
  7. Security Testing measures the ability of software to protect against security threats.

Choosing the Right Software Quality Metrics

With the help of software quality metrics measure how good your software is and make sure that the software is performing well. Spot the problems if any and fix them this helps to save time and money and is effective in the long run. Given below are steps that should be followed to select the right software quality KPIs:

1. Understand your project’s objectives and requirements

If we are involved in the software development process, it is very important to understand the objectives and requirements of the project and its goals. Doing this will guide us to determine which software quality parts are important for our project.

2. Choose the appropriate software quality KPI metric for each aspect

Choose the right metrics for each part of the software. Pick a metric based on the project’s size and complexity. Make use of quantitative and qualitative metrics to get a complete picture.

3. Make sure that your KPIs are measurable and actionable

KPIs should be measurable as measuring KPIs make it easy to see how things are going and where we stand. KPIs, being actionable gives the ability to act and make changes. Figure out how you’re doing and take the steps required to improve.

4. Check the data collection methods

Data will help you analyze your KPIs. It is very crucial to test the methods used to collect data for the KPIs. Determination of the tools and techniques used to collect data is necessary. Make certain that the data is accurate and reliable. The data collection methods used must be accurate.

5. Set Appropriate Targets and Thresholds

There is a desired level of performance for every KPI which is called a target. Targets inform what an acceptable level of performance is. If KPIs fallout below the acceptable level of performance, thresholds make us know about it. Thresholds serve as a triggering point to alert the team when a KPI fails. They are an early warning system.

6. Track and Analyze the Data

Analyzing assists to determine whether the KPIs are measuring the desired quality aspects. Analysis improves the performance of the software. It will allow us to make changes to the software, the KPIs, as well as the data collection methods.

7. Test and Refine your KPIs

All software quality assurance KPIs require reviews. Implementing the KPIs and data collection are the main processes involved in testing. This verifies the accuracy and reliability of the data. This is also a way to measure the software’s performance. Software testing metrics provide information regarding the effectiveness of testing. Make necessary adjustments to the KPIs based on the tests. And ensure that the KPIs are accurate and effective.


Software quality metrics in agile and KPIs play a vital role in improving the quality of products. Try to understand the significance of these metrics and choose the right ones for the project. Thus ensure that products are delivered on time and meet customer demands. Feel free to contact experts who have the skills to build a product of high quality by choosing the right software quality metrics.

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Lena Tyson

Coder | Techie | Writer Stands as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between code and communication Software Developer in