Magdalene Franklin
4 min readAug 5, 2023



One may wonder why I have decided to dwell on the area of self discovery, it's not out of place to think that.
Popular David, our dear psalmist said in Psalm 11:3,.."If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?.
Maggie will say.."if the foundation of leadership is not laid, what shall the leaders do?"( Leadership chapter 10 verse 3, Queen James version 😁.)

No one launches a building course without laying a proper and firm foundation, such will have a great fall when flood comes or when there's a quake. It's not enough to get excited about the topic of leadership, so much so that you jump on it without understanding it's rudiments.

I do hope you've gotten over the grip of my first content, I said, "No one is a Leader, Everyone is". There is something our creator had imbedded in us which is the "Leadership Spirit".
Everyone has it. At creation in Genesis 1, God created light, the sea, birds of the air, name them. All of these creatures were created by Him with words, He spoke them to existence, He called them forth from nothingness and they were made manifest.

When it came to the creation of Man, it is recorded that there was a joint effort from divinity. He said in Genesis 1:26 (KJV); And God said, Let "us" make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have "dominion" over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth..

First highlight is "US", He didn't just use words to create man like He did for other creatures, He said let "US". There was a deeper level of "divine intentionality" when it had to do with the creation of man and this drives me to my next point..."in our own image".

God already had an eternal plan of depositing His DNA in mankind, so He said, let US make man in our own image, this was His spirit.
John 4:24 (KJV) says; God is a "Spirit": and they that worship him must worship him in "spirit" and in truth.
There was a transfer of identity through His spirit when He poured His breathe on the first man (Adam), no wonder the birds of the air, fishes in the water, other living creatures do not have spirit in them, hence can't operate in that dimension as spirit beings.

Again, this spirit has a great connect with leadership. God created us to be leaders, hence, He had to use "leadership materials" which only originates in Him. God is the "ruler" of the heavens and the earth. Wait, there's something interesting here, He had given us the mandate to dominate the earth because He was certain of the fact that "WE CAN DO IT" and this assurance could only stem from a pre-knowledge of what He had deposited in man(His spirit).Having this leadership spirit means you are naturally created to lead.

Your next question maybe, if we were created to dominate the earth, the sea, the birds of the air, creatures of the earth, who then was created to dominate man.
NO ONE WAS EVER CREATED TO DOMINATE ANY MAN, we were only created to dominate the earth and "INFLUENCE" men.
This influence is a product of your "giftings", your potentials etc, you are to influence others with your gifts.

If there's anything you should ever gain full control over is your GIFT not humans.
It is in your place of mastery that you'll gain influence. The book of Proverbs 18:16 (KJV) says; A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.
The "maketh room for him" is the opportunity he will get to display his gift which is "influence" which invariably is leadership.

You will become an influence through mastering and exercising your gift.
Once you gain mastery of your gift, you can easily communicate it to others because you will have that boldness which sprouts from the place of knowledge, knowledge of who you are, knowledge of what you're created to be (a leader), knowledge of the fact that the leadership spirit is inherent in you and this happened when God had poured His spirit upon you.

"Within every follower is a hidden leader", says Dr. Myles.
Discover the leader in you, nurture him (her) and manifest YOU.

I come in peace ✌️.

Magdalene Franklin

Digital Marketer // Content Creator// Baker// Creative Writer/ Compere//Leadership Enthusiast