The purpose as to why African Churches are Waning.

3 min readJan 11, 2023


“Friends bump into in bars: Rivals meet in church.” So, many people in churches are hypercritical. They claim to be having your back, good in other words, however, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing, some waiting to gobble you in front of others to cause you shame. In short, they are a brood of vipers or should I say, hypocrites. There are few genuine Christians out here. As well, with the frequent tumult of church leaders in the media engaging in unscrupulous deeds, one can postulate that most churches are not built on God. Nevertheless, some of today’s churches do more harm than good for so many people especially spiritually. Most are built on witchcraft altars in the name of God, luring people into a world of lies where they spiritually bind their congregation members with witchcraft charms and incantations. They end up stealing their stars and blessings subjecting their flock to a lifetime of problems. After, they constantly preach that it’s all trials and a season that one goes through: That it’s a test of one’s faith yet they are the ones who are actively spiritually attacking the individual as they are answerable not to God but to the demonic powers that set up the church. That’s why the saying that goes, “The Devil has infiltrated churches,” is so popular. Which then begs the question, if the shepherd operates in the demonic realm, howbeit the congregation? Won’t they be in filled with demonic; non-Christian traits? If the foundations of the church were built on wickedness, won’t the flock show characteristics contrary to Christ such as utter disdain and envy for their brother or sister in Christ; being driven by evil forces? That is why churches and their covenants such as Christian marriages are failing. Not because the Devil is attacking them. No. But because they have allowed the Devil to do so. The Devil lost his power over two thousand years ago when Christ died. Blaming the devil two thousand years later for one’s trial, is a mockery of Christ’s death; painting it as though Christ didn’t die on the cross or His death was in vain. Jesus captured the keys of Hell and of Death, meaning He has power over Satan and all his demons. If so, why are so many Christians wound up in so many problems if Jesus Christ lives in them as we all proclaim? Why so many self-proclaimed Christians exhibit hate and jealousy amongst one another instead of wanting good for each and every one? It proves that Jesus Christ does not live in so many Christians. And if Christ doesn’t live in them, who does? Because in this world, there are only two spiritual kingdoms: The Kingdom of Light, which is of God and the Kingdom of Darkness, which is of Satan. The irony of the matter is that Satan has invested in back doors that link to the church which are widely open for him to cat-walk in and out as he pleases. Oddly enough, we Christians had the keys but we willingly resigned them to the two-horned bastard. He therefore has devoted his time and energy to bring so many so-called Christian souls to him as that’s his work; to steal God’s souls, kill God’s people and destroy any good whatsoever. “The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.”

