Lennart is a growth and leadership facilitator. He is dedicated to provide space for individuals and organizations and their participation in the collective development of humanity within the larger living ecology of the cosmos. His guiding perspectives in this endeavor are consciousness, embodiment, safety, trauma, and deep ecology using an integral framework of the whole, undivided cosmos.

His deepest inquiry is the potential we tap into when we dissolve the paradigm of separation that is underneath our identity and our whole culture, and begin embodying and integrating the idea of wholeness into our sense of self and our actions.

‍Accepting and integrating every part of our being, embracing our full human experience and walking towards a state of authenticity and vulnerability from where we recognize the profound interdependency we are a part of. He is particularly intrigued by the alchemical potential our collective and individual wounding and shadows hold for us, when we start honoring death and darkness as a place of growth and rebirth, and how we can step into a dialectical relationship towards more truth instead of polarization on the foundation of an internally regulated somatic sense of safety.

Bringing the principles of liberation, love, and leadership to individuals and organizations wanting to act from their true purpose as a conscious element of the whole cosmos is at the core of his work.

Dedicating one's work to the collective aspect of the human developmental journey, the idea to stand alone in this endeavor would miss the core of this challenge.

Collective development requires multi-perspectivism, diversity and an inter-disciplinary approach, it needs constant mirroring and engagement with the shadow aspects of our knowledge and our culture two uncover the blind spots that keep us stuck.

That's why Lennart decided to set the LHI up as a collaborative platform that brings together talented and dedicated coaches, facilitators, consultants, and teachers that are united by and dedicated to a single common mission: enabling individuals and organizations to participate in the collective evolution of mankind towards becoming a fully conscious member of the interdependent ecology of this planet. Together they create spaces that are dedicated to profound transformation and development for all sectors of humanity, professional and private, eventually dissolving those artificial boundaries so we can start interacting in a holistic way with each other and the ecology at large, no matter in what area of life we find ourselves in in any given moment.

Lennart Hennig

Lennart Hennig

Dedicated to creating spaces for individuals and organizations wanting to participate in the collective development of humanity. https://lhi.one