Homework 8: 2/3 of Midterm

Lucie Lenoir
Oct 27, 2023


First, I was finally able to figure out some data for last week’s assignment, so I will first do the work that was required for that.

Line Chart representing Total number of movie tickets sold (million) per year
Bar chart representing Total number of movie tickets (million) per year
Scatter plot representing total number of movie tickets (million) sold per year

This step worked out more or less the way I expected it to, and I observed that the total number of movie tickets sold in the United States was increasing until about 2004, and then it was slowly decreasing before suddenly dropping in 2021. I think I’ll have to find more data than just this because it’s so straightforward that my Pivot Table looks exactly like the data itself, because there are only two values. This also limits the types of charts I can make — I struggled to make a Scatter plot, and when I finally was able to, something still looks wrong.

