Lenon RodriguesGo Tip #6: Using Generics for Better Type Safety in GoIn modern Go, generics offer a way to improve type safety while maintaining flexibility. This article walks you through an example of using…Oct 14Oct 14
Lenon RodriguesGo Tip #4: Handling and Returning Errors GracefullyIn Go, error handling is an essential part of writing robust and reliable applications. Instead of relying on exceptions or error codes, Go…Oct 9Oct 9
Lenon RodriguesData Transfer in Apache Flink: A Comprehensive OverviewIn distributed stream processing frameworks like Apache Flink, efficient data transfer between different components is crucial to…Oct 7Oct 7
Lenon RodriguesGo Tip #3: Concurrency — Share by CommunicatingConcurrency is a broad topic, but Go offers a unique perspective on how to approach it. In many languages, concurrent programming requires…Oct 7Oct 7
Lenon RodriguesGo Tip #2: Using defer for Resource ManagementIn Go, the defer statement provides a powerful way to manage resources and ensure certain actions are performed when a function is about to…Oct 5Oct 5
Lenon RodriguesGo Tip #1: Memory Allocation with newWhen working with Go, you’ll come across two essential functions for memory allocation: new and make. While they might seem similar at…Sep 301Sep 301
Lenon RodriguesThe Relationship Between DAG Construction and Lazy Evaluation in Apache Spark (Garfield and Odie…To make the concepts of DAG construction and lazy evaluation easier to grasp, let’s imagine two well-known characters: Garfield, the…Sep 26Sep 26
Lenon RodriguesKappa Architecture: An Efficient Model for Real-Time ProcessingThe need to process large volumes of data in real-time is a growing reality in various sectors such as e-commerce, telecommunications…May 30May 30
Lenon RodriguesA Detailed Comparison between Spark Structured Streaming and Apache Flink: Comparison of Features…IntroductionMay 152May 152