Hello Narcissist. Goodbye Normalcy.

Lenora Thompson
2 min readFeb 2, 2016


When did it happen? When did life flip upside-down? When did normalcy flee? When was my last day as a normal human being? Ah, common sense, alas, I never knew thee.

Luckily, “normal” is my husband’s middle name. By marrying him, I finally got to live like everyone else. What a shock! A pleasant shock. A wonderful shock! What I’d always wanted.

An example, you say? Oh, okay. Here’s a classic example of what I’m talkin’ about.

To this day I revel in the joy of being able to drive somewhere without calling home to deliver the news that I’ve arrived safely and then calling again when I leave my destination(s). If I’m late returning home, there are no frantic calls, shaming me, demanding to know where I am in that unmistakable dread-and-adrenalin inducing tone. I don’t have to commit to taking a particular route to my destination and not deviate from it. I can drive as far I like and stay out as long as I like, with whoever I like. I can even drive highways!

In fact, rather like Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, Michael might not even realize I’m gone. He’s obsessed with his own hobbies, not with controlling me. News Flash: He trusts me! Such a welcome change from the check-in/check-out protocol Dad demanded and the Little Warden, I mean Mother, enforced even after I moved out.

“Yeah? So what?” you say. “What so wonderful about that? Isn’t it just…normal?”

Indeed it is! And that’s my point.

Normal Is Important

Narcissism reeks havoc with normalcy, hence the name of this blog: Narcissism Meets Normalcy

Normal is imperative. It provides guidelines for proper behavior. And that’s why narcissists hate normal. It puts a cramp in their style. Boundaries on their body-mind-and-soul domination. Makes normal people look askance at their abusive ways with a raised, disapproving eyebrow.

They admit hating normalcy and I’ve got proof!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Originally published at blogs.psychcentral.com.

