When a Narcissist “Gets Religion,” You Get Screwed!

Lenora Thompson
1 min readFeb 2, 2016


Beware the religious narcissist. They speak with the omniscient voice of God. Wield the sword of His judgment. Brandish the rod of His power. They wear the mantle of His righteousness. They goin’ straight to Heaven, baby. And you, you back-slidden heathen? Well, you ain’t!

Exploitation of Holy Scripture is at its finest when you give a narcissist a Bible. In fact, all cult leaders have narcissistic tendencies. You can take it to the bank!

My narcissists “got religion” in 1980. Or so they claimed.

Click here to read why I still believe in God, despite narcissists giving Him a bad name!

Originally published at blogs.psychcentral.com.

