Are Twin Flames True Love? (And How to Spot Them)

Twin Flame Love
4 min readAug 20, 2020


Learning to understand twin flame love and energy is an important part of fulfilling your twin flame journey. Understanding are twin flames true love is a start to understanding the real meaning of the journey.

Technically? Twin flames are more than what people commonly call true love. This is two parts of the same soul. You don’t get any closer than that.

Doubting if you’ve met your true twin flame or looking for guidance on what to do to further your journey? Tell me about your path so far and get a twin flame reading to help.

There is a common misconception about twin flames, people usually think twin flames and soul mates are the same thing, which in reality, they are not. In fact, these two terms are totally different things, twin flames are not soul mates and they don’t even have to be in a romantic relationship with you, although it can happen. A twin flame is an individual who connects on a deep spiritual level with you, once you meet your twin flame, your world changes. This type of soul connection is not about romance, but about pure love. So, are twin flames true love?

A short answer is yes! However, the real answer is a lot deeper.

As I mentioned before, twin flames are not necessarily romantic partners, they can be a friend, a student, a teacher and yes, they can also be a romantic partner. Twin flames are all about the connection of both souls, yours and theirs, once you meet your twin flame, your world and perspective shift completely, you start seeing life with new eyes, and it’s all possible because of how this person can make you feel, it’s about the impact your twin flame can have in you.

It’s a connection so powerful that it can be truly understood only if you have experienced it yourself. Some people describe the experience of having a twin flame as mind-blowing and something so powerful, spiritual and magical that is almost overwhelming, people also say that it feels somehow like this person is part of your family once you meet them. This connection will never be one-sided, this relationship goes both ways, both of you feel the same strong connection. Your twin flame will change your life, but you will also change theirs.

So, you might be thinking, if a twin flame isn’t necessarily a love partner, then how can it be true love?

The answer is quite simple, love isn’t always about romance. Romance won’t be always present when it comes to love, the way you love your mother is not the same type of love you might feel for a friend, a romantic partner or even your pet. Therefore, romance isn’t always necessary to experience true love, and that’s exactly the case for twin flames.

Some people have said that they have met their twin flames but they are not in a romantic relationship, some others say that their twin flame is, indeed, the love of their lives, it depends on each individual and the path of each soul. But, all of them coincided with one thing, unconditional love.

That’s the key element in twin flames, unconditional love. This type of love is something different that will make your soul grow immensely, you start seeking meaning in your life and you start becoming the best version of yourself thanks to this unconditional love. The experience of having a twin flame is different for everyone, so there isn’t a pattern or rules to follow, what we know is that twin flames can be your romantic partner, or not. However, that doesn’t change the fact that twin flames teach you how to love unconditionally, how to connect deeply with one another, and how to truly love yourself, they are basically the true form of love.

Twin flames form one soul that was separated into halves before, that explains why you feel this instant and overwhelming connection, it’s because you have found the other half of your soul, that one piece that was missing in your life. People who have found their twin flames describe the feeling as the most powerful and meaningful connection they’ve had in their entire lives, it’s a very deep and growing relationship.

As a summary, are twin flames true love? Yes, they are. They represent the truest a purest form of love, they make your soul grow, become the best version of yourself all while experiencing true unconditional love. We also learned that twins flames and soul mates are two different things, your twin flame doesn’t necessarily have to be your love partner, although it can be the case, it really depends on your unique soul path.

After reading this article you might want to find your twin flame right away, that person that will change your life, sadly there isn’t a recipe to guide you through, if you are looking for your twin flame, he or she might come to you when you least expect it, you’re destined for this encounter, so don’t worry, you will find your twin flame at some point in your life when you need it the most.

