Competition on the theme

3 min readDec 6, 2014

It is precisely this potential that seems to be able to be expressed in almost all mobile phone functions. In short, communication is the key when dealing with recharge api provider the modern mobile phone as a medium. Formulates in this regard how a text is more than just a piece of digital text: It is a type of social interaction wherein the transmitter and receiver share a common, though asynchronous experience. When one sends, a message it refreshes the contact mellow two.

Thus, the message itself is also a function of itself and SMS messages are a way to keep in touch with his closest friends during the day if you do not necessarily see them. The recharge api provider mobile phone is in this context one symbol maker in more than one way in and with the exchange of data contains both cultural and social meaning. In this way it is again, in our context, is not useful to see the mobile phone as a multimedia can both be used as a phone, take pictures, record audio, send text and so on. These do not capture the mobile phone’s main function, namely communication, to which all the above functions related.

Text messages that flourished

The mobile phone can in this perspective primarily used to communicate in social networks. This means that even if your mobile phone can take pictures, it is by no means comparing with a camera and with it also provides the ability to send pictures on. It therefore means less that the recharge api provider images may not have the same quality as a regular camera. The main thing is that images are fed a social symbolic value far exceeding the importance of image quality.

The same applies to text messages and many other mobile services. Our point is that the content in itself does not have much importance; the main thing is that there are communicated. This is very similar to our assumption from micro section that says that often in these is a fat which aims to maintain an online recharge idea connection between the communicating parties. These observations make the conclusion even more radical.

An SMS dialogue is qualitatively different from what it is a re mediation of. The mobile phone itself provides the communication sense, independent of the content recharge api provider of the communication. According to Bolter and is also an obvious, albeit more abstract example. One can regard it as an example of double logic as the medium itself provides content value.

On the recharge api provider ritual

This means that the mobile phone by virtue of its way to treat data, makes its presence known. This is precisely the definition and it is through this that a medium achieves immediacy. The awareness that a bad picture taken with a mobile phone, turns, so to speak image for online recharge idea personal communication. Summary In this chapter we have from different angles tried to show what social potentials inherent in the mobile phone.

Compared to Bolter and theory paraphernalia DRAWING double logic was the mobile phone immediately cumbersome to fit because of its capacity as multimedia with many features and functions. Yet we also believe to have shown that most functions, at least the way they are used, can be grouped recharge api provider under the property communications. It turned out that this is precisely the way the mobile phone a prior art media.

