The Septimius Fund — a story about positive change.

Alternative Stories and News
3 min readApr 5, 2024

In the heart of Netherlands, nestled amongst the charming canals and gabled houses, resided a beacon of hope for underrepresented voices in film and media — the Septimius Fund. This Dutch non-profit organization, fueled by a deep passion for diversity and inclusion, served as a launchpad for stories that yearned to be told, stories that reflected the vibrant tapestry of human experience.

Septimius Awards — Imitative supported by the Septimius Fund

The fund’s namesake, Septimius, wasn’t a wealthy benefactor or a celebrated filmmaker. Instead, it was a symbolic representation of the “Septimius Severus,” the outlier, the voice that dared to challenge the status quo and the first Black Roman Emperor. The founders envisioned a world where the narratives on screen mirrored the richness of the real world, where stories from Africa and its diaspora found their rightful place on the silver screen and on the catwalk.

Isis Fashion Awards — Imitative supported by the Septimius Fund

One of the Septimius Fund’s most impactful initiatives was the Septimius Awards. This annual ceremony wasn’t just about handing out trophies; it was about celebrating audacious visions and empowering storytellers. Young, aspiring filmmakers from Africa and the diaspora submitted their work, each frame brimming with raw talent and untold narratives. The Septimius Awards served as a validation of their struggles, a recognition of the unique perspectives they brought to the table.

The fund also supports initiatives that promote African history. Supporting initiatives like Septimius Pictures in the development of Nzinga, Amanirena, Xuxa and Ndabaga.

Another initiative by the Septimius Fund, the Isis Fashion Awards, took a more unconventional approach to storytelling. Fashion, often perceived as frivolous, was recognized by the fund as a powerful tool for social commentary. The Isis Fashion Awards celebrated fashion designers of African descent who wove narratives of cultural identity, social justice, and environmental consciousness into the very fabric of their creations.

Imagine a dress crafted from recycled materials, each stitch a silent protest against fast fashion and environmental degradation. Or a collection that paid homage to traditional African textiles, their vibrant colors and intricate patterns serving as a celebration of heritage. The Isis Fashion Awards weren’t just about recognizing sartorial brilliance; they were about using fashion as a platform to spark conversations, to challenge stereotypes, and to empower diaspora and African voices.

But the Septimius Fund’s reach extended beyond awards ceremonies. The organization actively championed the creation of films with a pro-African message. They believed that films had the power to dismantle harmful stereotypes, to rewrite narratives, and to foster a more empathetic understanding of the African continent and its people.

The Septimius Fund isn’t just a source of funding; it is a catalyst for change. They believe in the power of stories to transform not just the film industry but also the world at large. By empowering diverse voices and celebrating underrepresented narratives, they chipped away at the walls of prejudice and discrimination.

