Leor El-iashiv
3 min readAug 29, 2017

Writing poetry was one of my first writing habits. I remember myself as a child I was feeling so many emotional things, want to express them, and didn’t know how about. Poetry was a good idea for me.

Back then, we didn’t have the internet, if you didn’t have money to buy books, you’re screw. So I just learn from involving myself in this creative mindset, and start my poetry journey…

To be in the making of writing poetry seems to be easy, but you have to develop a creative mind and learn poetry methods to back your work up.

We are so creative human beings, and it exist in anyone. To release this poet that is living inside our head takes practice, creativeness is not coming by its own, we have to take it out.

Writing poetry seems to be easy, but you have to develop a poetical creative mind.

so after all of that being said, my 4 easy steps for writing poetry:

Step 1: Poetry writing exercise.

Creatively, I strongly recommend to wake up in the morning and fill an A4 page with all that comes up in your mind. Consider writing everything: emotions, thoughts, gratitude, just fill in the page. The focus is not the content, but let it all go, in the morning we are much more creative, and have natural poetry skill. I strongly recommend writing evening pages too. Poetry by her very nature is light.

Step 2: Poet’s Inspired by conversation.

After doing the writing exercise, building your creative skill, and your opening up for writing world. The next thing to do is to have a diary next to you so you can capture the creative idea for the poetry. It’s really simple, all you have to do is listen to random people or friends conversation. Don’t be involved in it, see how creative, just listen for some crazy ideas, humans are a genius.

Step 3: The imaginary purpose for poetry.

Try to describe your creative idea’s using the five senses: Smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound. it’s important in order to get to the depth of your creativeness, use every sense. Read out loud your poem, writing for the will allow you to hear the structure of your poem, and the words you chose. Pay attention to each line of your poem flows in harmony rhythm, every word is a vibration. If some words are not synchronized, consider to change them.

Step 4: Poetry in reverse engineering.

The most important steps in any creative thinking, poetry writing, or any creative work is to reverse engineer. Really looking at what other poets that inspire you to do, or follow poetry that you really love. 5 reverse engineering strategies. It’s not from the competition perspective, but the creative side of getting inspired by poets, learn their structure and create.

To summarize, I can tell you, there is going to be fear involved when writing your first poetry’s, could be, you think are not creative enough, or you’re doing it wrong.

Being creative is working on a muscle, it’s about doing, practicing, experiencing how it could benefit you. The nice thing about creativity is the more you use it, the more you have it. you can’t use up creativity.

Find me on IG: @Leoeliashiv

Leor El-iashiv

The secret to find is stop searching. I’m an author and entrepreneur. I must create value, to serve through my writing so i can die alone with legacy.