How to Make Money as a Developer

Aransiola Ayodele
3 min readNov 16, 2019


As a developer, what is your knowledge about money and managing money?

As a developer, how much money would you like to make?

Think about this two questions in 2secs and give yourself an answer.

From your experience and your skill set, realistically, how much money do you think you deserve to make?

Survey says, an average salary for a remote developer in the US is $110, 000 per year.

A developer (Everistus Olumese @bytenaija)was speaking about his career in Tech, which lead to the inspiration of this article. This year, he has applied for over 300 jobs, did over 80 interviews and had over 16 job offers.

Have you ever think about working remote or where to get these remote job offers?

Here are few websites that offer remote jobs:









Nigerian developers are known to be quality developers and are determined to make it to the end. Despite some challenges from fraudsters who are defaming and destroying our reputations, yet different companies are still interested in Nigerian developers because we are hardworking and affordable.

Literally, everyone has imposter syndrome but you need to build a reputation for yourself offline and online confidently.

Therefore, for this companies to take you seriously, you have to believe in yourself, no matter which programming language you are working with.

NB: No one is an island of knowledge, so be confident with what you know.

Permit me to draw your attention to this instance, Dan Abramov, he is a top engineer who works with REACT but while working on any REACT project, he will OPEN SOURCE it for other developers to contribute and learn from it.

My advice is for you to be involved in the ecosystem.

What Are the Requirements to Attain

(Get a professional resume writer to work on your resume, cover letter and if possible, your Linkedln Profile.

  1. Reflect the belief in your online and offline profile

2. Make yoursself a FULL-STACK developer (No START-UP will want to hire two developers for what a developer can do).

3. Talk about what you know. (make blog post, tweet and likelly post on linkedln)

4. Learn more on DevOps

5. Make sure to have at least 3years experience in building a problem solving project (stop building common apps like weather app, to-do app etc)

6. Build your reputation as an individual. (your employer might be on your timeline anytime soon. Be mindful of what say online and offline, they matter a lot).

7. Stop using unprofessional email. (something like is okay… )

8. Get mentors

9. Mentor others

10. Choose a brand color and stick to it

11. Make at least 2 commit to your repository on github daily (it shows your consistency)

12. Apply to all job openings you see

13. Most importantly, attend conferences, meet people, take pictures and post on your social media pages using the event hashtags. (this shows that, you are a community person).

Things to Note

Not everyone who make millions in IT, actually write CODES

BSC, MSC are important, don’t graduate with low grades (not every employer cares about your certificate. Endeavor to balance your academics with your career, if youo are a student).



Aransiola Ayodele

I am an experienced technical writer, developer community manager, and a developer relations engineer. --- developer_dao #5796