León Silvestre Madero del Río
5 min readMar 30, 2020


Pool in the Quinta Gracia

Edith is still getting a little sleepy at 4 in the morning to go to the Jorge Chávez Airport in Lima and make a 02 hour trip to Quito Ecuador. The flight leaves at 06:10 in the morning and we had to be 3 hours early at the airport, we are a bit late, but we wanted to film the whole trip so we had to give ourselves time to film something before leaving. On the street, a friend was waiting for us surely something boring in his car to take us to the airport. It was the first time that Edith had left the country, so, although it may not seem like it, there was some excitement, nervousness and hope that everything would turn out well.

After filming some details of the moment and a brief review of the trip we were about to undertake, we got out and woke up our friend who was sleeping in his car. We had taken much more than the 10 minutes we had calculated.

We rushed to the airport. We are quite late and we did not know where we have to go to board our flight to Quito. We ask and they give us contradictory answers that make us go from here to there. Finally we found the way, we said goodbye to our friend, we went up the steps to the international flight area, we passed the baggage screening area, we had to leave everything on a tray and go through something like a metal detector, then put on another Once you see things, then the migration control, then look for the departure lounge among many that there were and finally we are in our departure lounge. We take the opportunity to film something there. In the departure lounge there was a couple from the Lima group that went with us to Ecuador. After introducing ourselves and greeting them friendly we calmed down, we were on time. A few more photos and then we boarded the plane.

The plane was almost empty, that did not attract much attention. Soon after, the plane rolled down the runway and took flight. Then we saw the great Lima go away and get lost in the clouds. After two hours you can see the fields and a mountain that looks like a volcano hidden under the clouds, the plane descends and finally we are in the city of Quito, the capital of Ecuador where a small commission from the host group is waiting to take us on their Car to our lodging that is in front of the Quinta Gracia in Guayabambamba. Shortly afterwards we were at the inn, a spacious place with a lot of green. We met Celso Mendo our friend who arrived a day earlier by land, to whom we later did an interview, there was also Marizza from Peru, she had arrived alone, her husband had to return to Peru for some emergency. We greet friends from Brazil and Ecuador. There were few people, less than we imagined. They were already in nudist mode despite the cold, because it was cold, that’s the truth. But despite this we were brave and soon after we were in nudist mode too.

We saw our friends in Ecuador anxious and in a rush organizing everything. We chatted a bit with friends from Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, the United States and Spain. Pedro Villalba is a Peruvian who lives in Spain for a long time and who currently belongs to the naturist association AANUMA in Madrid. I travel 11 hours from that city to be present at the meeting and he was kind enough to give Edith a blanket that was quite useful due to the cold weather. Then the activities began. In the place they had been arranged like big tents in the grass. The first was the area for changing and massages, the other was the main environment where the official sessions were to be held, it had as an official stage in the background and round tables where we assumed it would be lunch, it was adorned with the flags of all participating countries and the last one a place where there was a small photo exhibition. The morning went in greetings and hugs from nudist leaders from all over Latin America. We knew many of them only online, León Madero had spoken many times with them as the official representative of Peru for CLANUD, which is the Latin American Confederation of Nudism.

The program was not followed to the letter and soon we were called for lunch in the main tent. Everyone sat down and we formed a group with Celso and Marizza. Lunch was quite good, although what stood out the most was the attention of the young people who, by the way, were not in nudist mode. The atmosphere was quite familiar to us since in Peru the ANNLI group organizes meetings at the Cieneguila CDN and the atmosphere was somewhat similar. After lunch we went to see the photos and then the plenaries began.

All of us present gathered in the main tent, we all sat in a nudist way forming a rectangle. Florencia Brenner, leader of Argentina started the first plenary and did something like a discussion, giving everyone an opportunity to comment on the subject. Shortly after starting, a heavy rain began to fall, lowering the temperature, but the discussion continued. Then our friend Juan Castañeda from Mexico participated. Both very interesting participations. Almost without realizing it, dinner time came, it was colder and Edith had to return to textile mode although Celso Mendo and León Madero, more resistant to cold, continued naturally.

In the evening a bingo was programmed where all those present (most, if not all in textile mode) happily participated. Each country had to donate something for bingo. We donated two cloth bags with Peruvian motifs that we had brought from our beloved Peru. We did not win anything but Pedro the friend from Spain gave Edith her prize, a bottle of a fine liquor … The fatigue of the trip then forced us to go to our accommodation to rest. We made a summary of the day on video and to sleep again …

Leon Madero

More images and videos of this story at



León Silvestre Madero del Río

I am the founder and current coordinator of the ANNA Project (Associated Naturist Nudist Activity) which has now become an international nudist community.