Top 5 Tech Inventions that would solve some first World problems.

Leonard Sandgathe
4 min readMay 26, 2017


Let’s face it we all want to have a lightsaber or a robot that cleans our entire house for us. I am going to list the top 5 inventions I am waiting for and report how far these Inventions are in development. This article helps to skip the time at least a bit until they are published


It might be every star wars fans dream to possess a lightsaber. Even though there is no legitimate reason for owning one, it still magically attracts millions. The good news is that in 2012 a Harvard Professor was able to create something similar to a lightsaber in his lab. By removing electrons from gaseous atoms and force these atoms to stay in place with a magnet field the blade was created. If you are not a rocket scientist this process alone sounds quite complicated. But that is not enough, so far it is impossible to produce it for the mass because the energy level one lightsaber would need the power of 14.000 households is not realisable. Still, if the prototype is there, there might be the tiny chance that within the next 20 years the lightsaber is coming

2.Magic Laundry basket

Remember the time when you lived at home? It was magical you just threw all your dirty laundry in one basket and magically in the following days all the dirty laundry got cleaned, ironed and back in your wardrobe. If I do this nowadays all that happens is that my studio smells like a locker room a few days later. But don’t you worry there is help. In 2020 the Laundriod is supposed to get on the market which is at least folding your (washed) laundry for you and put it in the wardrobe. This is a good start; I mean fold is nearly half washed.

3.Food delivery drone

We all know this situation, it is Sunday afternoon you lay on your bed watch Netflix and slowly start to get hungry, there is this nice burger restaurant a few blocks away, but you don’t want to go there in your humiliating pyjamas and un-showered look. Thank god for the delivery system, but then this restaurant doesn’t deliver on Sunday. What now? Start cooking Spaghetti like the rest of the week? Hell no! Just send your tiny robot drone there to pick up the food for you. Due to drones become more and more a part of our daily life, there might be something like this for you in the next years. Which will supply you with the important nutrition you need for a lazy Sunday.

4. Teleport

This is what I am waiting for. A Teleporter that beams me from Place A to be. Being at the end of the World within seconds. It would make travelling way easier. No more waiting lines at the Airport, not sitting in a crowded commercial airliner with 500 other smelly people and or crying babies. Just one second and you are at your dream destination.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds. But Scientist at the University of Jena was able to beam laser from point A to B in their lab. That’s not as exciting as they would beam me, but it is a good start.

5.Commercial Moon Tourism.

Are you bored of your casual holiday? So am I. Don’t you worry instead of Disneyworld we soon can fly to the moon late in 2018. Space X-Chef Elon Musk revealed this in February 2017. Two Citizens will fly around the moon then. With this date just around the corner space travel will become cheap and realistic for everyone within the next 15 years. So you can finally take your Snap at the moon instead of a lousy beach in Florida. Sciences rocks.



Leonard Sandgathe

I am a 21-year-old student at The Hague University of Applied Sciences completing a Bachelor’s degree in International Communication Management.