Magic, Love, Family Pt. 00 Glossary

Hrtetwfd Jtrdfdtre
5 min readSep 8, 2020


GlossaryMana· Fundamental unit for magic· Also known as magic power· Possessed by most humans, though, it remains useless to most and only becomes useful when someone progresses to being a magic warriorMana Pool· An organ beside the heart· Storage place of an individual’s mana· Size of mana pool is used to gauge an individual’s power· Gives off vibration similar to heartbeat· As the mana pool evolves, so does the vibrations. We name this vibration as AuraMana Circuits· Network of mana carrying vessels similar to blood vessels· The density and thickness of vessels vary from individual to individual· If an individual’s mana circuits get damaged, then they are not able to use their magic until it gets repaired· Mana circuits are complex and very hard to repairAura· Unique to each magic warrior/half-awakened warrior/awakened warrior· Close-relatives have similar auras· Aura represents the vibrations of one’s mana pool, and, in turn, it can be manipulated and deciphered through use of skilled mana control· Aura-reading is a difficult skill, a warrior needs experience and time to learn it, and only high level warriors can decipher if one is manipulating their aura to appear weaker.· The stronger the awakened warrior, the better their mana control and this ensures their success rate while reading an opponent’s aura· Beasts, magical and evolved, constantly radiate dominance according to their strength which can be read by magic/half-awakened/awakened warriors. This dominance level is the beast’s aura.Magic Warrior· Those individuals who can interact with the mana present in their body· Gives off a thin mana vibration unique to themselves· Can only use Body Enhancement Magic· Lack an attribute to their magic, unlike awakened warriors· Naturally recover mana inside their mana pool, though it is a slow process for themBody Enhancement Magic· Most fundamental form of magic· Useful in temporarily enhancing the upper limits of body’s strength, tolerance and the likes· Example: Can drastically increase power of an ordinary punch· Magic warriors-awakened warriors, can use itHalf-Awakened Warrior· A state between magic warrior and awakened warrior· Only those magic warriors who are able to interact with nature’s mana are considered half-awakened· Unlike magic warrior, half-awakened warriors can channel a portion of their mana outside their bodies· Same as magic warriors, lack an attribute to their magic and lack the sturdiness of an awakened warrior· Very small proportion of magic warriors will progress to become half-awakened warriorAwakening· Process by which an individual awakens their attribute· It awakens an attribute for a half-awakened warrior and they are henceforth known as awakened warrior· After awakening, every individual gives off a unique mana vibration that is much more powerful than the one given by a magic warriorAwakened Warrior· Magic warriors/half-awakened warriors who are able to freely use mana outside of their bodies will progress to awakened warriors· Attribute gets awakened for them· Are divided into different star levels according to the category of their mana pool· Well-respected and revered due to their essential role in rise of humanity· Even the royalties of the kingdoms treat the awakened warriors with a lot of respect, regardless of their prior social status· Can use a variety of magic spells including body strengthening magicStar level· Used to classify the powers of awakened warriors· Is equal to the number of evolutions of mana pool (4* awakened warrior would have evolved their mana pool exactly four times)· When a half-awakened warrior becomes an awakened warrior, their mana pool undergoes evolution for the first time and they become 1* awakened· Higher star levels correspond to higher life expectancy and increased sturdiness of the body· Thought of as an absolute difference of abilities between awakened warriorsAttribute· The type of magic power/ mana· Nature’s mana has an amalgam of all attributes· Example: Cardinal elements, mutated elements, and rare attributes etc.Rare Attributes· Example: Light, Dark etc.· Very few awakened warriors possess them· Possess high utility and are highly sought after· Light attribute has highest potential for healing magicCardinal Elements· Fire, Water, Earth, Wind· For any two awakened of similar strengths, they vary in power· Example: Water> Fire, Fire> Wind, Wind> Earth, and finally in a full circle, Earth> WaterMutated Attributes· Lava, Lightning, Ice etc.· Mutated attributes and the corresponding original attribute share a wide range of similarities. Many spells for them are mutual.Refining· The process by which an awakened warrior, regardless of their star level, fills up their mana pool with the mana of their awakened attribute· Essential for an awakened warrior as the natural recovery rate of their mana is extremely slow and insufficient for their consumption· Is a dangerous process· Can be sped up with help of external resources (magic stone)· Cannot increase the amount of mana inside the mana pool after it reaches the maximum value for a particular awakenedEvolving· After the mana pool of an awakened is filled to the peak, they can try to evolve their mana pool· Successful evolution of the mana pool qualitatively changes it and increases the maximum limit of mana that can be filled up inside it· Nature’s mana plays a crucial role in this process· Extremely dangerous and life-threatening process· More often than not, ceiling of evolutions is determined at birth and based on pure luck, regardless of the talent and ability level of an individualMagic Spell· When an awakened warrior uses their mana to interact with nature’s mana and/or perform supernatural acts· Each spell has a certain way of mana circulation and gives off a certain vibration inside mana pool· In general, repertoire of spells increases linearly with the advance in star levelsMagic Stone· Can help in refining mana pool, also can quickly replenish mana after a fight· Most beneficial if the magic stone used is of the same type as the attribute of the awakened· A fire type magic stone is obtained only from a fire type magical/evolved beast, so on and so forth· Graded by the purity of mana contained as well as the size· Extremely expensive, only the richest can buy the high-grade magic stonesMana Ore· Similar in nature to magic stone and not so rare· Big reserves in the southwest kingdoms of the continent· Not found in Gelodesh KingdomMagical Beasts· Domestic and wild beasts that have mutated due to mana· Vicious in nature and stronger than their non-mutated counterpartsPrime Beasts· Further mutated form of Magical Beasts· Can use primitive magic of a particular type· Extremely dangerous and incredibly resilient· A single evolved beast can easily wipe out an entire village of humans###This document will get updated as the story progresses

