Identifying Individual Responsibilities

Michael Leonardo
3 min readJan 2, 2024


And supercharging your growth potential

Although it’s hardly evident, there is a difference between personal and individual responsibilities.

Both are often used interchangeably, but have a slight nuance when used in the appropriate context.

Personal responsibilities tend to focus on the self. One’s own duty or accountability to themselves. It emphasizes self-discipline, self-awareness and making decisions based of one’s own goals or values. As with accountability, personal responsibility recognizes and accepts consequences of your own actions.

Taking ownership of decisions and the associated outcomes — positive or negative.

General responsibilities can also be included here and are simply requirements necessary to sustain your life.

We often think of them as trite and off-putting.

Ah, gotta load the laundry.

Take out the trash.

Clean the dishes.

Get in shape.

Maintain the mediocre job.

The positive connotation with personal responsibility, however, involves self-improvement. It often implies a personal commitment to growth and development, actively seeking to improve oneself and your own circumstances.

Individual responsibilities, on the other hand, require even more introspection.

A closer look at what it is you are doing to, not only set yourself, but others up for success as well.

In other words, it represents itself when you commit to an action involving others.

As such, individual responsibility extends beyond the self and incorporates a broader range of duties including family, community, and even society at large. The slight nuance acknowledges that you have a role in communities and groups with important responsibilities towards them.

Ethical and moral obligations are often at the center of individual responsibility.

How are you contributing positively to the well-being of others and your community at large?

Being a present and responsible parent. It is my individual responsibility to be a good son, brother, uncle — contributing and sometimes going out of your own way to make others feel seen or heard.

It is also on you to improve your own individual responsibility.

This can be done through cultivating better emotional awareness and intelligence.

Becoming the best most present parent and spouse.

Individual responsibility to be the best ancestor of your bloodline.

What I mean by this is living up to the things that your ancestors accomplished and respecting what they did by going “all-in” and further progressing the family lineage in a positive way.

Some would say to focus on your weaknesses to get better in those areas. In my experience, you actually make leaps when you double down on your strengths and stop worrying about your weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses and they can take a big amount of effort to see a small amount of progress. By focusing on your strengths you can incrementally move the needle more easily and there is a better chance you stay with it given you already have strength in that area.


In summary, personal responsibility emphasizes an individual’s duty and accountability to themselves, focusing on self-improvement and self-accountability.

Personal responsibility also means that I am responsible for my personal actions. If I hit a parked car, it is my responsibility to leave my contact information and not just drive off instead.

Individual responsibility extends the concept to include responsibilities toward others and society at large, acknowledging the role an individual plays in broader social contexts. It involves a slight, yet profound, nuance in that it represents itself when I commit myself to an action involving others. Others are counting on me and my word to follow through.

The choice of terminology often depends on the specific context and the level of responsibility being discussed, but both ideas are at the heart and soul of personal integrity.



Michael Leonardo

Grateful Husband + Dad / Endurance Athlete / Work-in-progress