React series — Weather App — Part 4

Leonardo Bruno Lima
4 min readMar 30, 2018


Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash

In this part let’s bind the components we create in last part together and talk about redux in more details.

Let’s start adding a new component called search_bar.js into componentes folder:

Conceptually this component is a container, so I could create another folder just for containers, but I won’t do that for now.

In this component search_bar.js I’ve imported connect component from react-redux and this is fundamental to bind the component with action creators. When we export a component using a connect component, we have access to reducers and action creators.

The connect component is a Higher-Order components:

export default connect(null, actions)(SearchBar);

In this case, I have access to all functions on my actions folder (inside the index.js).

The next component we will create is weather_list.js.

Like the search_bar.js component, weather_list is also a container and have access to reducers using connect higher order component.

We need to install another component called Numeral:

$ npm i numeral

Ok, let’s start the application and see how it looks like:

Great, now if you type any city and hit enter I should works!


Not yet, we forget to tell react-redux how to deal with promises. When we return the payload has a promise not the real value.

export function fetchWeather(city) {
const url = `${ROOT_URL}&q=${city}&units=metric`;
const request = axios.get(url);
return {
payload: request

To fix this we need to install another component called redux-promise and change the root index.js to use it as middleware.

$ npm i redux-promise

Now if we type some city and hit enter we have something:

Almost there, let’s add some style. Add new file on public folder called style.css:

Add a reference to this file on index.html (also on public folder):

Finally add a container class to root div (line 30).

<div class="container" id="root"></div>

Let’s try again:

Nice! our application is almost done. In the next part I will talk about some redux improvements and middlewares.

Part 5:


I’ll update the github repo for this project as soon as I release each part of this serie. You can follow or clone here:

