Limited functionality for trading or swapping meme coins directly through Ledger Live

May 22, 2024


Ledger Live doesn’t currently offer direct trading or swapping for meme coins. This is because meme coins are generally seen as riskier investments compared to mainstream cryptocurrencies.

To fix this

Please download the last update of Ledger Live Application:

  1. Ledger Live for Windows 10/11
  2. Ledger Live for MAC
  3. Ledger Live for Android

The Risky Side of Meme Coins:

  • Meme coin prices can swing in any direction, making them more volatile than established coins.
  • Many meme coins have lower liquidity, meaning it can be tricky to buy or sell them quickly without impacting the price.
  • A lot of meme coins lack real-world applications, and their value is often driven by speculation rather than utility.

If you are considering meme coins, be aware of these risks. It’s crucial to do your own research before diving in.

