How to Host a Website on IPFS (with DNS)

The stupid easy guide

Leon Do
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020



So you read up on IPFS and you’re excited about the technology. Now you want to host your own website on IPFS. How do you start?

Step 1: Gather Tools

  1. A domain name. The only thing that’ll cost you.
  2. IPFS Desktop App or CLI.
  3. Optional: Pinata account to easily ‘pin’ your files.

Step 2: Code

Write some HTML

<!-- index.html -->
<h1 id="randomNum"></h1>
document.getElementById("randomNum").innerHTML = Math.random();

This will create a sexy looking website

(a sexy looking website)

Step 3: Publish on IPFS

Open up the IPFS desktop then Add+ a file.

Once added, select the file. You should see a ‘Share Link’ button. Don’t be shy. Click it.

The link should look something like:

The QmZ9M3F… is your special hash. There’s a security feature built in but that’s for another day. Give it a few min and you should be live!

Step 4: DNS

Sign into your DNS provider. I’m using Namecheap.

Enter this:

Row 1: Notice the “.” after com.


Row 2: Replace QmZ9M3Fr3G… with your hash

TXT Record

And you’re done!

Side note: Notice we’re using cloudflare? That’s because they act as a gateway. An IPFS gateway is a third party node that gets content for you.

Step 5: Pinata Party (Bonus)

I’m a big fan of Pinata. They make sure your content stays pinned on IPFS so you don’t have to.


“Pin By Hash” and enter your hash QmZ9M3Fr3G…



Thank you to Juan Benet, IPFS and Protocol Labs team for building the future.

Thank you, Matt Ober and the Pinata team for making the future easy to use.

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