Hidden EYE
3 min readFeb 22, 2023
Incumbenr President of Sierra Leone Dr. Julius Maada Bio

Dr. Julius Maada Bio: Sierra Leone’s Leader and Champion of Democratic Governance

Dr. Julius Maada Bio is a prominent Sierra Leonean politician, statesman, and former military leader who has dedicated his career to promoting democratic governance, economic development, and social justice in his country. Born on May 12, 1964, in Tihun, Bonthe District, Sierra Leone, Dr. Bio has held numerous high-level positions in government and international organizations throughout his distinguished career.

Early Career and Education

Dr. Bio received his early education in Sierra Leone before joining the military in 1985. He later earned a Bachelor of Science in International Studies from the American University in Washington, D.C. in 1995 and a Master of Science in Conflict, Defense, and Development from King’s College London in 2000.

Career in the Military

Dr. Bio’s career in the military began in 1985 when he joined the Sierra Leone Army. He rose through the ranks to become a Brigadier General and was appointed as the country’s Head of State in 1996 following a military coup.

During his tenure as Head of State, Dr. Bio implemented a number of reforms aimed at promoting democratic governance and restoring political stability to Sierra Leone. He established a new constitution, organized a democratic presidential election, and handed over power to the newly-elected civilian government in 1998.

Career in International Organizations

Dr. Bio’s career in international organizations began in 2002 when he was appointed as the Executive Secretary of the Mano River Union, a regional economic and political organization comprising Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. In this role, he worked to promote economic integration and cross-border cooperation among the member states.

In 2005, Dr. Bio joined the Commonwealth Secretariat in London as a Senior Adviser on Peace and Security. He later served as the Commonwealth’s Director of Political Affairs and was responsible for promoting democratic governance and human rights throughout the organization’s member states.

Career in Sierra Leonean Government

Dr. Bio returned to Sierra Leone in 2012 to run as the presidential candidate for the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) in the country’s general election. He campaigned on a platform of economic development, job creation, and anti-corruption, promising to build on the progress made during his previous stint as Head of State.

After a hard-fought campaign, Dr. Bio emerged as the winner of the election and was inaugurated as Sierra Leone’s President in April 2018. Since taking office, he has focused on tackling corruption, promoting economic growth, and improving access to education and healthcare for all Sierra Leoneans.

Legacy and Contributions

Dr. Bio’s legacy and contributions to Sierra Leone are significant. As Head of State, he helped to restore political stability to the country following years of civil war and implemented a number of democratic reforms aimed at promoting good governance and human rights.

In his current role as President, Dr. Bio has continued to prioritize democratic governance and anti-corruption efforts, while also working to promote economic growth and social development. He has launched several initiatives aimed at improving access to education and healthcare, including the introduction of free primary and secondary education for all Sierra Leonean children.