Odyssey by Homer | Book 7 Explained | Leonidas Esquire Translation

Leonidas Esquire Williamson
2 min readNov 5, 2023
Photo of a moment from Book Seven of Homer’s Odyssey, where Odysseus is in the magnificent palace of King Alcinous in Phaeacia. The palace is radiant with opulent architecture, gleaming walls, and luxurious gardens that seem divine. Odysseus, appearing as a dignified Mediterranean man with a thoughtful expression, is seen walking through the breathtaking corridors, appreciating the surreal beauty. He is welcomed warmly by the royals, including the king.
Photo of a moment from Book Seven of Homer’s Odyssey, where Odysseus is in the magnificent palace of King Alcinous in Phaeacia. The palace is radiant with opulent architecture, gleaming walls, and luxurious gardens that seem divine. Odysseus, appearing as a dignified Mediterranean man with a thoughtful expression, is seen walking through the breathtaking corridors, appreciating the surreal beauty. He is welcomed warmly by the royals, including the king, depicted as a mature, robust man with grey hair, and the queen, portrayed as a graceful woman with refined features. Quick shout out to my newest follower Paul Bounford !

In Phaeacia’s court, a guest is he, Odysseus, welcomed lavishly. With honor and feasts, for all to see, A hero’s tale unfolds, both bold and free.

Demodocus, the bard, takes the floor, His songs of war and deeds of yore. Odysseus listens, emotions he bore, His hidden identity, a secret core.

The Phaeacians, kind beyond measure, Offer aid and a ship, a precious treasure. To Ithaca’s shores, their boundless pleasure, Odysseus’ journey takes a new measure.

Book 7’s tale, of hospitality and song, In Phaeacia’s land, where heroes belong. Odysseus’ hope, renewed and strong, As he prepares to bid this land so long.

Book 7 Retelling

Oil painting representing an exquisite scene from Book Seven of Homer’s Odyssey. It illustrates Odysseus’ gracious reception at the palace of King Alcinous. The environment is filled with the ethereal beauty of flourishing gardens, captivating sculptures, and divine illuminations, symbolizing the realm’s otherworldly charm. Odysseus, shown with a noble presence despite his weary appearance, engages in respectful interactions with the Phaeacian royals.
Oil painting representing an exquisite scene from Book Seven of Homer’s Odyssey. It illustrates Odysseus’ gracious reception at the palace of King Alcinous. The environment is filled with the ethereal beauty of flourishing gardens, captivating sculptures, and divine illuminations, symbolizing the realm’s otherworldly charm. Odysseus, shown with a noble presence despite his weary appearance, engages in respectful interactions with the Phaeacian royals, who display an aura of kindness and regality. The composition of the painting brings forth the elegance, warmth, and the almost mystical hospitality extended to Odysseus.

In Book 7 of Homer’s “The Odyssey” (Leonidas Esquire Translation), Odysseus, now a guest of King Alcinous and Queen Arete in the Phaeacian court, is lavishly welcomed and honored. The Phaeacians decide to help Odysseus return to his homeland of Ithaca.

During a banquet, the blind bard Demodocus entertains the guests with his music and songs, which include tales of the Trojan War and the events following it. Odysseus is deeply moved by the stories but manages to conceal his identity and the emotions they stir within him.

King Alcinous announces his willingness to provide Odysseus with a ship and crew to take him home. The book illustrates the Phaeacians’ extraordinary hospitality and sets the stage for Odysseus’ departure from their island.

Book 6

Book 8



Leonidas Esquire Williamson

Author, Mason, Veteran, Citizen. bit.ly/m/LeonidasEsquire And proud creator of InsightBuddy.IO your go-to free tool for personalized self discovery!