Blue/Green Deployment for Autoscaling Groups with CodePipeline, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy (Part 3/7)
In this 7-parts tutorial we will create an initial environment composed by an autoscaling group with two ubuntu machines behind a load balancer, then we will create a CI/CD pipeline to provide blue/green deployments using CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline.
Part 3: Setup the initial environment
In this section we will setup our initial environment by configuring:
- Launch Configuration
- Autoscaling Group
- Target Group
- Load Balancer
- Configure Servers
Create a Launch Configuration
Browse to “Launch Configurations” (under Auto Scaling) in the EC2 portal
Then click in “Create launch configuration”
Select “Ubuntu 18.04” as the AMI template for the instances
Select “t2.micro” as the instance type
Configure the launch configuration with the following details and click on “Next: Add storage”:
- Name: bluegreen-launchconfig
- IAM Role: bluegreen-ec2-role
- Advanced -> User data:
- Set a startup script for the instances to install the codedeploy agent
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install ruby
apt-get -y install wget
cd /home/ubuntu
chmod +x ./install
./install auto
systemctl enable codedeploy-agent
systemctl start codedeploy-agent
systemctl restart codedeploy-agent
- Note: you may require update the script according to your region (I am working on “ap-southeast-1”, for more details see:
- Advanced → IP Address Type: Assign a public IP address to every instance
Then you will be asked for the storage configuration, keep the defaults and click “Next: Configure Security Group”
Choose the security group that you created before (bluegreen-sg) and click “Review”
Review the details and click on “Create launch configuration”
Choose the SSH key pair created before (bluegreen-key), check the confirmation box and click on “Create launch configuration”
Finally in the confirmation page click on “Create an Auto Scaling group using this launch configuration”
Configure an Autoscaling Group
Configure the autoscaling group with the parameters below and click on “Next: Configure scaling policies”
- Group Name: bluegreen-asg
- Group Size: 2
- Network: <your-vpc>
- Subnets: <your-subnets>
Choose “Keep this group at its initial size” (default) and click on “Next: Configure notifications”
We don’t need any notification so just click on “Next: Configure Tags”
Set the following tags and click on “Review” (those tags will be added to the instances created by the autos calling group)
- Name=bluegreen
- App=bluegreen
Review the details and click on “Create Auto Scaling group”
Browse to “Instances” under “EC2” to see how your servers are being created by the auto scaling group
Create a Target Group
Browse to “Target Groups” (under Load Balancing) in the EC2 portal
Click on “Create target group”
Configure the target group with the details below:
- Name: bluegreen-tg
- Target Type: Instance
- Protocol: HTTP
- Port: 80
- VPC: <your-pvc>
Select the created target group, open the tab “Targets” and click on “Edit” to add the instances to the target group
Search the instances created by the auto scaling group (“bluegreen”) and register them in the target group
Setup a Load Balancer
Browse to “Load Balancers” under “Load Balancing” in the EC2 portal
Click on “Create Load Balancer”
Let’s create an Application Load Balancer by choose “HTTP/HTTPS”
Configure the load balancer with the details below, then click on “Next: Configure Security Settings”
- Name: bluegreen-lb
- Scheme (default): internet-facing
- IP adress type (default): ipv4
- Listeners (default): HTTP-80
- Availability Zones
- VPC: <your-vpc>
- Subnets: <your-subnets>
Click on “Next: Configure Security Groups”
Select the security group “bluegreen-sg” and click on “Next: Configure Routing”
Configure routing with the parameters below, then click on “Next: Register Targets”
- Target Group: Existing target group
- Name: bluegreen-tg
- Target Type: Instance
- Protocol: HTTP
- Port: 80
Ensure that the instances are registered and click on “Next: Review”
Review the load balancer details and click on “Create”
Configure Servers
Get the public ip of your instances in the EC2 portal
Ensure that the downloaded ssh key have the right permissions by run
chmod 400 ~/Downloads/bluegreen-key.pem
Access the first instance by using the command
ssh ubuntu@<instance1-public-ip> -i ~/Downloads/bluegreen-key.pem
Ensure that the CodeDeploy agent is up and running
systemctl status codedeploy-agent
Use the command below to install Apache
sudo apt-get install -y apache2
Browse to the first server, you should see the Apache default page
Exit from the first instance and access to the second one
ssh ubuntu@<instance2-public-ip> -i ~/Downloads/bluegreen-key.pem
Use the command below to install Apache
sudo apt-get install -y apache2
Browse to the second server, you should see the Apache default page
Browse to the load balancer to ensure that it’s working as expected