I Suffered a Terrible 10 Year Depression When I Lost My Job.

What happens when your work defines you.

Leon Macfayden
5 min readDec 29, 2021

That’s no exaggeration.

I became a Police Officer in 2002 and didn’t have the slightest clue about the real world. I was fresh-faced and barely out of University. After a few weeks in “The Job”, I sat in my patrol car and cried like a baby.

The overarching thought at the time was, “What have I done?”

I just wasn’t supposed to be there. You don’t go to University to become a Police Officer. You don’t have the kind of sheltered upbringing I had and then go and wrestle with drug dealers or know how to help someone whose world has just fallen apart.

I had been led astray by false expectations. TV shows portrayed the life of a Cop as exciting and fulfilling. They seemed to spend their time chasing down bad guys, doing something meaningful with the admiring eyes of the public looking on.

Saving lives and looking good while doing so.

I thought this would be a way to get some self-respect. To prove that I was a tough guy who cared about others.

The reality could not have been more different.

I had a tutor I hated, paperwork coming out of my ears, and occasionally I experienced such…



Leon Macfayden

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