Maintain a healthy weight using the BMI calculator!

2 min readApr 12, 2023


Are there any differences between male and female BMI?’s The differences in BMI between men and women are beyond body composition. First, note the differences in body type between men and women and within those groups. If you look at women, their body shapes change even among people with the same body fat and muscle proportions. Women’s legs tend to differ more from one female to another than they do for men.

BMI ranges for women are the same as for men because those are made in a purely theoretical way. The spread of BMI values in women is greater than that of men. Towards an educated view of body weight, health is more important than looks and unattainable beauty standards.

How will you use the BMI calculator?

In the steps below, you can clearly explain how to operate the calculator and interrupt its results.

  • Input your height, and BMI is calculated using meters, and the calculator converts them for you so you can use any units.
  • Input your weight, and the BMI calculator for women will convert it into the right units for you.
  • You will get the exact BMI and BMI prime results based on the WHO BMI category.
  • You want to input your age in years.
  • Your percentage will be computed automatically and shown as output.

BMI for adults ranges below:

Severe thinness <16

Moderate thinness 16–17

Mild thinness 17–18.5

Normal 18.5–25

Overweight 25–30

Obese Class I 30–35

Obese Class II 35–40

Obese Class III >40

BMI chart for children and teens age 2–20

Underweight <5%

Healthy Weight 5% — 85%

At the risk of being overweight, 85% — 95%

Overweight >95%

Are there any limitations for BMI?’s This BMI calculator can tell how much weight you carry but not how much fat you carry. It does not tell the difference between excess fat, muscle or bone. The adult BMI does not consider age, gender or muscle mass. Pregnancy will also affect a woman’s BMI result. Your BMI goes up if your weight increases. You should use pre-pregnancy weight when calculating your BMI. BMI is one of the straightforward convenient ways to assess someone’s weight.

