Leon Weathersby Chiropractor tells us all about mental health


Both physical and mental health are significant for any person. Example, If a person is physically healthy but his mental health is poor then he will have to face many types of problems in his life.

Mental Health Impotance Blog By Leon Weathersby Chiropractor

Mental health helps a person realize his/her capabilities, gain confidence that he/she can cope with stress in life, and contribute to the development of his/her community through his/her work.

Mental disorders affect a person’s health-related behavior, judgment, regular exercise, adequate sleep, safe sexual practices, etc., and increase the risk of physical diseases. Due to mental illness, a person has to become a participant in unemployment, scattered families, poverty, drug abuse, and related crimes. If a person’s mental health is good, his life will also be good.

Therefore, in this section, Leon Weathersby Chiropractor will tell you in detail about every aspect related to mental disorders, which will help in improving your mental health.

Cause of mental illnesses

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Your mental health changes as you age. During your life, if you experience mental health problems, it is important to know about them, seek help from a doctor, and get treatment because they can affect your thinking, mood, and behavior. Many other factors contribute to mental health problems, including:

  1. Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemicals

2. Family history of mental health problems

3. Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse

4. Due to a depressive environment in life (Depressive Environment)

5. Due to childhood trauma

6. Stressful events in life such as losing a loved one

7. Due to an increase in negative thoughts (Negative thoughts)

8. Due to unhealthy habits such as not getting enough sleep or poor eating habits (unhealthy lifestyle)

9. Abuse of drugs and alcohol

10. After treatment with a chronic disease

Symptoms of mental illness

Every mental illness has its symptoms. However, some common warning signs or symptoms may alert you that you need to seek professional help. Such as

1. Overthinking

2. Anxiety

3. marked personality change

4. Changes in eating or sleeping patterns

5. Inability to cope with problems and daily activities

6. Excessive anxieties

7. Prolonged depression and apathy

8. Excessive anger or violent behavior

9. Thinking or talking about suicide

10. extreme mood swings

11. Abuse of alcohol or drugs

Mental health illnesses

1. Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness. People with these conditions have severe fear or anxiety related to certain objects or situations. There are also types of Anxiety Disorders, such as

a. Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder involves persistent and excessive worrying that interferes with daily activities. This ongoing worry and stress may be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as restlessness, feeling on edge or tiring easily, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, or sleep problems.

b. Panic Disorder

The main symptom of panic disorder is repeated panic attacks, an overwhelming combination of physical and psychological distress. It has many symptoms such as

  1. fast heartbeat

2. to sweat

3. trembling or shaking

4. feeling short of breath

5. Pain in chest

6. Dizziness, feeling light-headed or faint

7. feeling of suffocation

8. numbness or tingling

9. feeling cold

10. Nausea or stomach pain

11. fear of dying

12. Phobias

A phobia is an extreme and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity that is usually not harmful. Patients know that their fear is excessive, but they cannot overcome it.

c. Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is the fear of being in situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing. This fear makes the actual situation very disturbing and creates problems in functioning. A person suffering from agoraphobia experiences this fear in many situations. Such as

  1. Using public transportation

2. When in open spaces

3. being in crowded places

4. while standing in line

5. When alone outside the house

d. Social Anxiety Disorder

A person with social anxiety disorder has increased anxiety and discomfort about being embarrassed, humiliated, rejected, or looked down upon in social interactions. People with this disorder are extremely afraid of learning, speaking, meeting new people and eating and drinking in public in order to avoid the situation.

e. Separation Anxiety Disorder

People with separation anxiety disorder fear being separated from their loved ones. Such people may refuse to leave the house or go out without the person, or may experience nightmares about the separation. These problems develop in childhood, but symptoms may persist into adulthood.

2. Mood disorders

Mood disorders may also be referred to as affective disorders or depressive disorders. The mood of people with these conditions keeps changing very quickly. There are many types of it, such as

a. Major depression

A person with this depression constantly feels low and is always in a bad mood and loses interest in activities and events that he previously enjoyed. He feels depressed or extremely depressed for a long time.

b. Bipolar disorder

A person with bipolar disorder experiences unusual changes in their mood, energy levels, activity levels, and ability to carry on with daily life. When they feel good, they become very energetic, whereas when they are in a low mood, they go into depression.

c. Seasonal affective disorder

During the winter and early spring months, when days are shorter or there is more darkness, it can cause some people to become depressed. For such people, it is most important to live in a region with better lighting or sunlight.

3. Schizophrenia disorders

Schizophrenia is one or a group of several mental illnesses that are quite difficult to understand. Symptoms of schizophrenia usually develop between the ages of 16 and 30. The thoughts of such a person are often broken and lost. These people also feel those things around them, which actually do not exist in the world. Schizophrenia has negative and positive symptoms. Positive symptoms include confusion, thought disorders, and hallucinations. Negative symptoms include a lack of motivation and poor mood.

Leon Weathersby Chiropractor shares his personal ways to improve mental health

  1. Stay connected to others and don’t consider yourself isolated.

2. Think positive

3. Be physically active.

4. Keep helping others.

5. Get enough sleep and sleep on time and wake up on time

6. Take a healthy diet, especially eat things that improve your mood.

7. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs.

8. Get plenty of sunlight.

9. Don’t take too much stress.

10. Stop thinking too much.

11. Do exercise and yoga.

12. Do something that keeps you engaged and makes you happy.

13. Be friendly.

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Leon Patrick Weathersby Patrick Jr.

Leon Patrick Weathersby Patrick Jr. works in Los Angeles, CA and specializes in Chiropractor.