Build your Team’s Communication Foundation

Key Communication Tools to Implement For Your Team

11 min readMar 31, 2024


Communication is essential in the tech industry, yet it’s often a skill that developers learn on the job.

This oversight can lead to significant issues, as seen in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster, where misunderstandings and miscommunications contributed to one of the worst environmental disasters in history. This example starkly illustrates how critical clear communication can be and the devastating impact when it fails.

If your team operates across various time zones, you’ve likely faced challenges firsthand. Time differences can lead to delays in responses, misunderstandings, and a breakdown in the workflow if not managed properly.

To address these issues, you can implement two key tools: The communication charter and the team README.

  • The communication charter acts as a guide, helping your team navigate the complexities of working across various time zones and ensuring that everyone is clear about expectations regarding availability and response times. It sets the foundation for how your team interacts, outlining the best practices for asynchronous communication and collaboration.
  • The team README, on the other hand, provides a personal touch to your remote interactions. It contains detailed information about each team member, including their backgrounds, interests, and communication preferences. This tool helps in humanizing the digital workspace and fosters a sense of connection and understanding among team members who may never meet face-to-face.

Together, these tools form the cornerstone of your team’s communication strategy, ensuring that despite the physical distances, everybody remains connected, informed, and aligned. They are not just tools but the very foundation of your team’s structure, enabling you to build a strong, cohesive, and effective (remote) working environment.

To better understand this approach, let’s explore the communication charter and team README in more detail and their roles in improving your team’s communication across various time zones.

The Communication Charter

Think of the communication charter not just as a set of rules, but as a roadmap guiding you and your team through the complexities of asynchronous communication.

In the global work environment of today, where your team may be scattered across various time zones, mastering effective asynchronous communication is essential. The charter helps ensure that all team members, no matter where they are, know how and when to exchange information, provide updates, and seek support.

This shared understanding is crucial for keeping work processes seamless and enabling effective collaboration, even when team members are not working simultaneously.

Communication Charter content

Core Hours

Core hours in your communication charter are the specific times during the workday when you expect all team members to be available for meetings and collaborative efforts.

This arrangement is essential for ensuring that your team, regardless of different time zones, has a reliable period each day for scheduling meetings, discussions, and other real-time activities. It reduces scheduling conflicts commonly faced by teams spread across various locations, facilitating smoother planning and execution of group tasks.

By setting core hours, you also honor the individual work-life balance, allowing team members to organize their workday predictably.


It’s crucial for you to ensure that your team communicates their availability effectively, particularly in a remote setting. By using tools like Google Calendar, you can have your team members mark their working hours and lunch breaks, making it easy for everyone to see when they are available for meetings and collaborative tasks.

Encourage your team to update their status on platforms like Slack for short-term absences, providing instant visibility into who is immediately available. For longer periods of unavailability, such as out-of-office times or personal time off, having your team notify through designated channels and updating shared calendars is essential.

This practice allows you to manage the team’s workload efficiently and prevent any scheduling conflicts.

Focus time

It’s important for you to encourage your team to block out time for focused work, especially for tasks that require deep concentration.

By scheduling these focus periods on shared tools like Google Calendar, and integrating these with communication platforms like Slack, you can help ensure that your team’s focus time is visible and respected by others. This practice not only minimizes interruptions but also enhances productivity and allows for more efficient completion of complex tasks.

It’s a key part of creating a work environment that respects and facilitates the need for uninterrupted time, ultimately leading to better outcomes for your team and projects.

Scheduling meetings

When planning social events or recurring meetings, organizers should aim to find times that accommodate all participants.

If finding a universally suitable time proves challenging, alternate between times that favor different regions to demonstrate fairness and consideration for everyone’s schedules. This approach ensures that no single group consistently faces the inconvenience of early morning or late-night meetings.

By prioritizing equitable scheduling, you foster a more cohesive and respectful team culture, which is crucial for maintaining high morale and effective collaboration across different geographies.

Communication within the team

Designate specific channels for different types of interactions, such as a channel for general updates where the team can also receive notifications from other teams, and a separate one for daily standups.

Project-specific channels ensure focused discussions related to particular initiatives, while social channels allow for more casual, non-work-related conversations that help build team camaraderie. Additionally, having a dedicated channel for alerts, especially for on-call purposes, ensures that critical notifications are noticed and addressed promptly.

This organization of communication streams not only keeps information flow manageable and relevant but also supports the efficiency and effectiveness of your team’s collaboration.


Incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous standups caters to the diverse schedules and time zones of your team.

  • The synchronous standup via a video call, allows for real-time interaction and immediate feedback.
  • The asynchronous standup, conducted through a platform like Slack, gives team members the flexibility to contribute at a time that suits them best.

Balancing these formats ensures that all team members, regardless of their location, can stay informed and engaged with the team’s progress and challenges.


Foster a flexible approach to scheduling individual and group meetings, ensuring they are productive and respectful of everyone’s time.

When impromptu calls extend beyond their planned duration, be proactive in scheduling a follow-up to continue the discussion without overrunning the current meeting time. It’s essential to include an agenda with meeting invites to set clear expectations and provide any necessary pre-read materials, enhancing the meeting’s efficiency.

Additionally, documenting these meetings and storing them in a shared drive, along with sending concise summaries to relevant channels, ensures that all team members, including those who couldn’t attend, stay informed. This practice not only aids in keeping everyone on the same page but also facilitates seamless handovers and continuity in long discussions, contributing to the team’s overall productivity and coherence.


You play a crucial role in ensuring that each project your team undertakes is well-documented and easily accessible.

Establishing a centralized location for project information, like a wiki page, allows team members and stakeholders to quickly find and reference project details, status, and updates. Regularly updated meeting notes and documentation alongside the project’s page keep everyone aligned on progress and decisions.

For projects involving external stakeholders, maintaining consistent communication through scheduled updates is essential. This approach not only keeps stakeholders informed but also builds trust and transparency, ensuring that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the project’s direction and any potential impacts on their interests.


It’s vital to establish a systematic approach for handling investigations of issues or incidents within your team.

Using a tool like JIRA to track and document these investigations ensures that all relevant information is captured and accessible in one place, serving as the ‘source of truth.’ When an issue arises, promptly creating a JIRA ticket helps in organizing the details and discussions related to that issue.

Summarizing these discussions, especially those from lengthy conversations in communication platforms like Slack, and linking them to the JIRA ticket, allows for a comprehensive view of the issue, its context, and the team’s responses. This methodical approach not only streamlines the problem-solving process but also improves transparency and accountability within your team.

Code Reviews

Ensuring that your team adheres to a structured code review process is critical for maintaining code quality and facilitating knowledge sharing.

Encourage your developers to provide comprehensive details in their pull requests, including the rationale behind changes, testing methods used, and any additional context that might help reviewers understand the submission. This detailed approach minimizes the need for back-and-forth questions and helps in identifying potential issues more effectively.

As for the reviewers, prompt and thorough feedback not only accelerates the review process but also contributes to the continuous improvement of the codebase. When direct completion of a review isn’t possible, facilitating the search for an alternate reviewer ensures the process remains uninterrupted.

Moreover, suggesting future optimizations can help streamline the review process and expedite deployment.

Implementing the Communication Charter

Your role in implementing the communication charter is critical to its success and the overall efficiency of your team. To effectively integrate the charter into your team’s daily operations, follow these practical steps:

  • Familiarize Your Team with the Charter: Start by ensuring that every team member understands the charter’s contents and its importance. Organize a session to walk through the charter, highlighting key components like core hours, communication channels, and meeting protocols.
  • Integrate into Meeting Scheduling: Apply the charter’s guidelines when scheduling meetings. Ensure that meetings are set within core hours to accommodate different time zones, and use the preferred tools and platforms as outlined in the charter for setting up these meetings. This will help in minimizing conflicts and maximizing participation.
  • Standardize Project Documentation: Implement the charter’s recommendations for project documentation. Encourage the use of shared platforms for documenting project progress, decisions, and changes. This could involve setting up project pages, using consistent templates, and ensuring that all documentation is accessible to relevant team members.
  • Embed Charter Practices in Daily Workflows: Make the charter’s guidelines a part of your team’s standard operating procedures. This includes regular checks on communication channels, adherence to availability schedules, and use of project management tools. Reinforce the use of these practices in daily standups or weekly meetings.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor how well the charter is being integrated into team operations. Be open to feedback from your team and be prepared to make adjustments to the charter itself or how it’s implemented to better suit your team’s needs.
  • Reinforce through Leadership: Lead by example by consistently following the charter’s guidelines yourself. Your adherence to the charter demonstrates its importance and encourages your team to follow suit.

By taking these steps, you not only ensure that the communication charter becomes an integral part of your team’s operations but also foster a culture of clear, effective communication that can significantly improve your team’s collaboration and productivity.


As an engineering manager, implementing a team README has substantial benefits for enhancing team dynamics and communication efficiency. A well-crafted team README not only serves as a resource for logistical and operational information but also plays a crucial role in building a more empathetic and cohesive team environment.

The benefits you and your team get out of a team README:

  • Enhancing Empathy and Understanding: The team README provides a platform for team members to share personal insights, such as their backgrounds, work preferences, and interests. This information fosters empathy and understanding among team members, as they gain a more comprehensive view of their colleagues as individuals, not just as coworkers. By appreciating the diverse experiences and perspectives within the team, you can facilitate more nuanced and considerate interactions, leading to a more inclusive and supportive work culture.
  • Tailored Communication Strategies: The README allows team members to express their preferred communication styles and needs. Understanding these preferences enables you to tailor communication strategies that align with individual working styles, enhancing the effectiveness of team interactions. For example, if a team member prefers detailed written communication over impromptu phone calls, knowing this preference can lead to more productive and respectful exchanges. This tailored approach not only respects individual work habits but also optimizes the overall communication flow within the team.

By fostering an environment where team members feel understood and valued, the team README becomes an invaluable tool in building a positive and effective team culture. It encourages open communication, reduces misunderstandings, and enables more effective collaboration. As an engineering manager, leveraging the team README to its full potential can significantly contribute to the well-being and productivity of your team.

Team README Structure

  • Introductory Map: Start with a visual map showing where team members are located. This not only highlights the geographical diversity of your team but also aids in understanding the time zone logistics that affect meeting planning and daily communication. Recognizing where everyone is based fosters a sense of global team unity and helps in scheduling considerations.
  • Background Information Slide: Compile slides that encapsulate each member’s personal history, professional journey, and photographs. This segment helps team members to appreciate the varied paths that have led each individual to their current role, enhancing mutual respect and understanding of each other’s expertise and experiences. It serves as a foundation for recognizing the diverse skill sets within the team, facilitating better collaboration.
  • Personal Interests Slide: Sharing personal interests and family life can significantly boost team rapport. This section allows team members to discover common hobbies and life experiences, fostering personal connections. These connections can lead to stronger team bonds and a more supportive work environment.
  • Communication Preferences Slide: Detailing how each member prefers to communicate is essential for streamlining interactions. Whether someone prefers emails for detailed discussions or quick syncs over calls, understanding these preferences allows for more effective and considerate communication. It guides team members in choosing the appropriate medium and approach for interacting with one another, minimizing misunderstandings and enhancing overall communication efficiency.

Implementing the Team README

Implementing the team README is a dynamic process that actively involves each team member, ensuring that the document remains a living, evolving representation of the team. Here’s how you can effectively put this into practice:

  • Initial Creation by New Members: Upon joining the team, each new member should be tasked with creating their own slides for the team README. This process allows new team members to introduce themselves in a structured yet personal manner, sharing their professional background, personal interests, and communication preferences. Additionally, they should place themselves on the introductory map, providing a clear visual of their geographical location relative to the rest of the team.
  • Continuous Updates and Reintroductions: As the team evolves, with new members joining and others possibly changing roles or locations, it’s important for all team members to regularly update their slides. This ensures that the information remains current and relevant, reflecting any significant changes in professional focus, personal interests, or communication styles.
  • Presentation of Slides: Whenever a new member joins, not only will the newcomer present their slides, but existing team members should also take the opportunity to present their updated slides again. This practice serves multiple purposes: it allows longstanding team members to reintroduce themselves and share any updates, and it gives new members a comprehensive understanding of their colleagues.

By implementing the team README in this manner, you not only facilitate a thorough onboarding process for new team members but also reinforce the team’s culture regularly. This approach ensures that every team member, regardless of when they joined, has a deep understanding of their colleagues, which in turn, enhances collaboration and team harmony.

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Leonard Stellbrink

Engineering Manager leading with passion and empathy @yelp