Maximizing Book Learnings as an Engineering Manager

Leonard Stellbrink
3 min readFeb 4, 2024


Last week I wrote about the best Engineering Management books in 2024. But to make the most of the books I recommended, you need a good game plan for your reading.

Here’s how you can soak up all that knowledge and bring it into your day-to-day role as an engineering manager:

Choose Books That Match Your Goals

Instead of just picking any book, look for ones that tackle specific challenges or goals you’re facing. Whether you want to improve team communication, master project management, or handle stress better, select books that offer solutions to these areas.

Tailoring your reading list to your personal development needs will make your reading time more impactful and relevant.

Schedule Time for Reading

Treat your reading time like any important appointment. Reserve specific slots in your calendar exclusively for diving into your selected books. Whether it’s a quiet morning hour or a wind-down period before bed, having a dedicated time blocked out ensures you consistently connect with new ideas and keep your reading on track.

Take Notes and Think It Over

While reading, write down the big ideas or tips that grab your attention in a dedicated notes document for each book. This helps you organize your thoughts and easily revisit them later. After finishing a chapter or a book, spend some time reflecting on how you can apply what you’ve learned in your job.

Having a separate document for each book also allows you to quickly access and review your insights, making it easier to integrate these lessons into your daily work.

Share What You’ve Read

Talk about the books with other engineering managers or your work friends. Chatting about the ideas can give you new ways of thinking and help you remember what you’ve read better. This kind of sharing not only helps you keep the information in your mind but also lets you see how others might use these ideas in their own work.

Put Ideas into Practice

Reading is just the start. The real magic happens when you use what you’ve read. Try out at least one new idea from each book in your work. Small changes can make a big difference. Remember, consistency is key, so regularly integrate these new approaches into your daily routines and projects.

Over time, these small, consistent tweaks can lead to significant improvements in your management style and team performance.

Go Back and Review

Every now and then, look back at your notes and the key points you’ve written down. Reviewing them can strengthen what you know and sometimes make an idea click just when you need it. Additionally, revisiting your notes after some time allows you to connect different concepts and see how they can be applied together, providing a deeper understanding and broader perspective.

Maximizing Book Learnings

By reading with a goal, staying curious, and being ready to change and grow, you’ll not just learn a lot, but you’ll also see real improvements in how you manage. So immerse yourself in books and articles, and let them steer you towards becoming a more effective, understanding, and innovative leader!

How do you organize your learnings and notes from books and articles? Add your strategies in the comments.

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Leonard Stellbrink

Engineering Manager leading with passion and empathy @yelp