Learn about the New Non-Surgical Weight Loss Program

Leon Thompson
2 min readSep 17, 2019


Obesity is absolutely one of the most common health problems that are being faced by the people in today’s generation, and such health condition is usually being caused by our unhealthy lifestyle. The most basic methods that can help improve their health and avoid this specific problem is to do some exercises, eat healthy foods and go on a diet, as well as, to practice some healthy lifestyle activities. Aside from these natural methods of losing weight, some obese people are also undergoing some surgical procedures that are designed to help them lost their weight, such as the adjustable gastric banding or lap band, gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy.

Some people are actually scared of undergoing any surgical procedures, but they don’t have to worry, because there is a new non-surgical weight loss program that has become very effective to help fight obesity. This particular weight loss program that is non-surgical has been discovered by an amazing gastroenterologist who has been working as one for more than three decades, and aside from being a gastroenterologist, he is also a liver disease specialist. His clinic is actually located in the Tampa Area, and what they basically offer their patients is a very unique multidisciplinary approach that was tailored to each and every needs of their patients. Their primary objective is to basically help their clients to transform their lifestyle into a healthier one, as well as, to help them lose their weight, and that is why they are providing them with this particular non-surgical weight loss system. Some of the other inclusions on their non-surgical weight loss program and system are the gastric balloon technology, support team, an after-care program that can be accessed on the internet, personalized exercise plan, as well as, a healthy diet program. The gastric balloon technology is basically done with the use of a stomach balloon that is designed to be in the size of a grapefruit and with soft and durable texture. Get to know more about this doctor.

The process of the insertion of the gastric or stomach balloon is when it still un-inflated it will be inserted through the mouth of the patient up to their stomach, then the balloon will be filled with saline solution to inflate it, and usually, the procedure may be completely done from twenty to thirty minutes. Once the procedure has been done successfully then it will basically encourage and promote healthy portion control to the patients, which is why it has been recognized as a very effective weight loss program. Check out Next Level Weight-Loss now if you want to loss your weight.

Get more tips here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/10-seriously-easy-tips-for-losing-weight-by-the-end-of-summer_us_57a9d38be4b0aae2a5a133f0

