Can Leopard Geckos Eat Meat?

Matit Ramdhulan
4 min readFeb 26, 2024

Leopard Geckos are insectivores, which means they do not eat meat. Instead, in nature they primarily feed on insects such as crickets and mealworms — however these may not always be available to them.

Geckos living in captivity may eat feeder insects such as mealworms, wax worms and butterworms; all feeder insects must first be gut-loaded prior to being given to your gecko.

Can Leopard Geckos Eat Meat?

Leopard geckos do indeed eat meat, although not in large amounts due to their alkaline digestive systems making it hard for them to break down meat proteins properly.

Wild leopard geckos feed on insects such as crickets, small locusts, wax moth larvae, mealworms, springtails and grasshoppers.

These predators are agile hunters that use both hearing and olfactory senses to strike prey in nearby areas. Additionally, they communicate via chirps and tail shakes.

As part of their health management plan, it’s essential that reptiles receive a variety of gut-loaded insects and calcium supplements from insects as food sources. Avoid giving vegetables and fruit alone as food sources as these could contain insufficient amounts of essential vitamins and contain high concentrations of oxalic acid.

Photo by José Ignacio Pompé on Unsplash

Nutritional Content of Meat

Leopard geckos are insectivores, eating insects such as crickets, mealworms and cockroaches. For optimal results and to ensure they receive an appropriate balanced diet. Providing different sized insects will keep them interested and ensure a nutritious meal is provided each time they feed on insects.

Children need calcium and vitamin supplements as part of a balanced diet; these can often come in powder form combined with calcium supplements.

Before feeding them to your leopard gecko, dust some powdered vitamins and minerals on feeder insects to enhance the nutritional profile and ensure they receive all of the essential vitamins and minerals they require for health and growth. This will increase their vitamin and mineral intake and ensure your leopard gecko receives adequate nourishment.

Leopard geckos in the wild consume primarily beetles, spiders and crickets but will also consume smaller animals like baby mice and snakes. Adults may consume up to 10 insects at one feeding with an ideal number being between 4–6 mealworm-sized insects.

Health Benefits and Risks of Meat

Leopard geckos, as insectivorous creatures, do not fare well when fed a diet consisting exclusively of meat-based sources. Instead, they need an abundance of feeder insects high in protein and calcium such as crickets or mealworms for food.

To aid these lizards’ health, they require a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in essential vitamins like A and E as well as calcium and phosphorus to promote strong bones and immunity systems. Fruits provide additional calcium sources while vegetables provide essential micronutrients.

However, certain fruits should not be fed to geckos due to high citric and oxalic acids content which may lead to stomach irritation as well as other health problems in these animals. Avocados contain too much fat for healthy gecko diets and should therefore be avoided altogether.

Other Alternatives to Meat

Geckos require insects as their primary food source, including worms, crickets and Dubia roaches — these species make an easy purchase and keep. Plus, their nutrition profile makes for safe feedings!

Insects are one of the best ways to provide a leopard gecko with a healthy and varied diet, and are particularly recommended as part of its growth or weight-gain strategy. They make an excellent replacement for meat when pregnant geckos need an additional source of nutrition, or for underweight geckos who require help quickly gaining weight.

Insects can provide leopard gecko’s with vital Vitamin D, calcium and micronutrients; however, they should never be fed exclusively as sources of nutrition.

Conclusion about Eating Meat

Leopard geckos are insectivores, so the ideal diet should include insect-based food to mimic their natural diet of insects, worms and small mammals (including mice).

No matter the limitations of your pet terrarium, you can offer your aquatic friend an environment similar to what it would find in nature by feeding him insects like crickets, small locusts, waxmoth larvae mealworms springtails and grasshoppers that mimic their native habitats.

Feed your pet live insects whenever possible as dead bugs or pellets won’t stimulate their natural hunting instinct and it is crucial they have gut-loaded insects as part of their diet. Silkworms, houseflies, sow bugs and wild-caught insects will provide your pet with additional nutritious options and also help them maintain a healthy weight.



Matit Ramdhulan

I own 2 Leopard Geckos. I love exotic pets and like to write about nutrition and caring for Leopard Geckos.