Can Leopard Geckos Eat Tomatoes?

Matit Ramdhulan
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

Leopard geckos are omnivorous feeders, devouring an assortment of foods including insects, fruit and vegetables. Due to their adaptable nature and adaptability, leopard geckos will feed on any available source — from insects and fruit to vegetables and even human food scraps!

Herbivores like Leo have long and acidic digestive tracts, making it impossible for their bodies to break down the hard exoskeleton found in fruits and vegetables, thus making direct consumption dangerous for him.

Can Leopard Geckos Eat Tomatoes?

Leopard geckos are popular choices as pet reptiles due to their gentle disposition and easy care requirements. But just like any pet, leopard geckos have unique needs which must be fulfilled to ensure long and healthy lives for these reptiles.

Leopard geckos in the wild consume a range of insects and fruits to meet their nutritional requirements, so it is vitally important that pet geckos receive an array of feeding bugs with protein-rich gut contents to meet these demands.

Geckos typically enjoy a diet consisting of crickets, Dubia roaches, mealworms and waxworms as food sources; occasionally they may enjoy adding in superworms or fruit flies too!

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Nutritional Content of Tomatoes

Leopard geckos are opportunistic eaters who may consume fruit and vegetables when offered, though it should be noted that leopard geckos do not have cecums that digest cellulose-rich foods found in many fruits and vegetables.

Plant-based foods contain tough cellulose that their short and alkaline digestive systems cannot process efficiently; hence it is wise to limit or avoid offering fruits and vegetables to them.

Leopard geckos should be offered a selection of insect-based feeders such as Dubia roaches, crickets, superworms, butter worms and hornworms — each preloaded with nutrients for at least 48 hours prior to offering to your gecko.

Health Benefits and Risks of Tomatoes

Even though they provide essential nutrition, tomatoes should not be offered to leopard geckos as they lack the stomach and digestive tract necessary for digesting fruits and vegetables — these animals are obligate insectivores.

Tomatoes contain oxalic acid which is harmful to leopard geckos as this substance isn’t native to their habitat and could potentially make them sick.

Tomatoes contain an inappropriate ratio of calcium to phosphorus that could contribute to metabolic bone disease.

If you decide to offer your leopard gecko tomatoes, make sure that they are ripe and that you do not feed too many at one time — this will prevent too much sugar consumption which could harm their cardiovascular and blood health.

Other Alternatives to Tomatoes

However, there are other options when it comes to feeding your crested gecko. Make sure that it enjoys the fruit and vegetables that you offer it!

Vegetables and fruits are staples in most human diets, but geckos may find them problematic due to insufficient calcium-phosphorus ratios, lack of essential nutrients, or high concentrations of oxalic acid content.

To address this, your crested gecko should consume a well-rounded diet consisting of insects such as crickets, mealworms and waxworms — these will not only benefit their health but will be simple to keep as well.

Conclusion about Eating Tomatoes

Tomatoes are citric fruits, which should not be consumed by leopard geckos as their high acidity levels could cause major imbalances to their digestive system and lead to illness or even death.

Instead of giving them traditional food sources such as crickets or mealworms, Dubia roaches and Dubia crickets may make for great sources of calcium-rich sustenance for leopard geckos. Before feeding them to them your leopard gecko will need them gut-loaded with calcium before eating them.



Matit Ramdhulan

I own 2 Leopard Geckos. I love exotic pets and like to write about nutrition and caring for Leopard Geckos.