From Electrical Engineering to the Cloud: Getting the AWS Solutions Architect Certificate

Leo Rickli
4 min readJun 14, 2023


In today’s digital era, cloud computing has emerged as a pivotal technology transforming businesses across industries. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud service provider, and its certifications are highly valued in the industry. While a background in Electrical Engineering may not seem directly related to cloud and networking, it can be a unique advantage when pursuing the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certificate. In this blog post, we will explore how individuals with Electrical Engineering experience but no prior cloud or networking knowledge can successfully embark on the journey of obtaining the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification.

Recognizing Transferable Skills

As an Electrical Engineer, you possess a diverse range of technical skills and knowledge that can be leveraged in the world of cloud computing. These skills include problem-solving, critical thinking, and a strong foundation in mathematics and logic. Additionally, your understanding of hardware components, systems design, and optimization will prove beneficial when architecting solutions on the AWS platform.

Understanding the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification

Before delving into the certification process, it is essential to understand the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification itself. This certification validates your ability to design, deploy, and manage scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWS. As a Solutions Architect, you will be responsible for making architectural decisions based on best practices to optimize AWS infrastructure for various business needs.

Gaining Cloud and Networking Knowledge

While you may not have prior experience in cloud and networking, acquiring knowledge in these areas is crucial for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification. Begin by understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing, including concepts such as virtualization, elasticity, and different service models like Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). AWS provides comprehensive documentation, online courses, and whitepapers that cover these topics.

What to Study?

Go for the ever-popular course that everyone (including me) used and approved: Cantrill. This is the best course because it’s not just for getting cloud knowledge, but it’s more focused on passing the exam, with better explanations about VPCs, security and networking. You even get a free networking course after you buy one of his courses and trust me, it is amazing for those people that have no idea what even an IP is.

After that, as Cantrill suggested, go for Tutorials Dojo. Cantrill’s last set of questions is very outdated and not like the real exam at all. It’s focused on memorizing the resources, while Tutorials Dojo is more conceptual and gives you a context, a real-life situation that you have to deal with, just like the real exam.

Bridging the Gap with Hands-On Experience

To solidify your understanding of AWS services and gain practical experience, it is essential to engage in hands-on learning. AWS provides a free tier account that allows you to explore different services and experiment without incurring any costs. When Cantrill starts his hands-on projects, don’t just watch him do it, do it with him! It’s the best way to grasp the concepts practically, applying what you are studying. In my case, this was especially enlightening for deploying a VPC network, how and when to use subnets, route tables, NAT gateways, security groups and network ACLs.

Joining AWS Communities and Networking

Engaging with the AWS community is a great way to connect with like-minded professionals and gain insights from experienced Solutions Architects. Join online forums, participate in webinars, and attend local meetups or conferences dedicated to AWS. “AWSCertifications” on Reddit helped me in finding Cantrill and the community is very alive, there are tons of great advice and testimonials about how they passed (or not) the exams.

Exam Tips and Strategies

When taking the exam, it is important to manage your time effectively. Read each question carefully and eliminate obviously incorrect answers. Focus on understanding the question requirements and consider the most appropriate architectural solution based on the given scenario. Practice time management by answering questions you are confident about first and marking those that require more thought for review later. Cantrill has a section dedicated on the “how” aspect of applying for the exam, so don’t miss that!


Transitioning from Electrical Engineering to the world of cloud computing may initially seem daunting, but with dedication, the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification is within your reach. By recognizing the transferable skills you possess, acquiring cloud and networking knowledge, and gaining hands-on experience, you can confidently prepare for and pass the certification exam.

Originally published at



Leo Rickli

Data Analyst | Data Engineer | AWS Certified Solutions Architect | SQL, Python, Power BI | Electrical Engineer with Project Management