How we see the future at Lepsta

3 min readAug 30, 2017

We live very demanding and high-paced lives in a world where the race to increase efficiency is always on.

As technology continues to dominate major parts of our lives, there is often mixed feelings regarding whether or not it is a friend to us. With recent advances in for example Artificial Intelligence and Robotics there is definitely a rising concern about the future of humanity. Some believe that technology will soon replace us in every aspect as depicted in science fiction, while some believe we will evolve to cope with changes as we always have.

What make things interesting this time around though is that we have never dealt with a change-rate like this before. The Industrial Revolution is probably the closest we’ve come to dealing with a big change in the trajectory of evolution. So there are legitimate reasons to wonder.

Accelerating Growth in Technology

But, as Abraham Lincoln once said:

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

To do this however, we have to ask ourselves what is best for humanity. How do we make sure that we continue to thrive in a world that will most certainly be dominated by artificial intelligence. At Lepsta we have arrived at the conclusion that we have to be focusing on making sure that technology is used to help people get better at the things they do. What we do gives our lives purpose and meaning. It makes us who we are and gives us fulfilment. But how can we make sure that we maintain that when technology has the power to monopolise most aspects of our lives?

At Lepsta we believe that technology is best used to help people do what they do better. We have therefore dedicated our efforts to solving technological problems that help people be more efficient in what they do in their daily lives. We are driven by a vision of becoming the Leading Entity in Professional Services and Technology Advancement - LEPSTA. We believe in our approach to advancing technology and that it is in humanity’s best interest.

Technology however is quite a broad term. This is why we have identified sectors of science and technology that we believe will most affect the future of mankind. And that is Software and Electronics. In these early stages of the company, we have decided to take a look at how Software can give us a start in pursuing our vision. This is the reason why most of the technology projects we have undertaken revolve around how to help developers build software faster. Because we believe that software has the power to unlock more potential.

In our view the danger in the advancement of technology is seeing technology and people as mutually exclusive. Because an entity that focuses solely on advancing technology does not keep in mind what is best for people and will most likely cause a threat. On the other hand focusing just on people is what causes fear of technology advancement. Entities with the power to advance technology should be equally focusing on what is best for people. And this has to be reflected on how the entity measures success. Sadly in most of entities the bottom line (profits) is the only thing that matters.

Lepsta has adopted the triple bottom line (People, Profits and Planet) meaning that we measure our success based on the positive impact we make in people’s lives and investing on creating financial sustainability that is not based on harming the environment. Sounds cliche for a startup? Well doing good has no scale and it can be part of core business activities.

We hope to continue building teams that strongly believe in what is best for people. And if you have read till this point, we are glad you care too. :)




Lepsta is a South African tech company specialising in productivity-related services and products.