How to Apply Eye Cream Correctly for Maximum Results

Le Pur Organics
4 min readJun 21, 2023


The skin around our eyes is susceptible and needs extra care regarding skincare. An eye cream in pakistan is essential for protecting the skin, delaying the visible effects of aging, and giving the face a revitalized, rested look. However, proper application of eye cream is essential for achieving optimal results. In this piece, we’ll show you how to apply eye cream properly for the best possible effects.

Importance of Eye Cream

The skin around our eyes is noticeably thin and sensitive compared to the rest of our faces. It can quickly become dry, wrinkly, and puffy. Anti-aging, moisturizing, and hydrating eye lotions are designed specifically for these issues. Using an eye cream in pakistan regularly will help you achieve a more youthful appearance by diminishing the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, and crow’s feet.

Get Your Face Ready for Eye Cream

It is recommended to wash and tone the face before applying eye cream. Remove dirt, oil, and leftover makeup using a mild cleanser. After cleansing, use a toner to restore the skin’s pH and prepare it for eye cream.

Getting the Best Eye Cream

Choosing the best eye cream is critical for optimum effectiveness. Discover an anti-aging, brightening, moisturizing, or dark-circle-reducing eye cream that works for you. To find the best product for you, it’s essential to read the label and look for active components like antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, peptides, retinol, and caffeine. Think about your skin’s sensitivity and any allergies you may have.

A Simple, Step-by-Step Tutorial on Using Eye Cream

eye cream in pakistan, best eye cream for dark circles, best organic eye cream, Le pur organics

Face Washing and Toner

Before using eye cream, rinse your face with a mild cleanser and then use a toner to remove any leftover residue.

Eye Cream, or About a Pea’s Worth

Get a tiny bit of eye cream, about the size of a pea, and put it on your finger. Keep in mind that the eye area is quite sensitive. Therefore, just a tiny amount is needed.

Heat It Up

Warm the eye cream by rubbing it gently between your ring fingers or the palm of your hand. This will facilitate a more accessible application and better skin absorption of the lotion.

Use Eye Cream Gently

Tap or dab the eye cream in pakistan onto the skin under your eyes, beginning at the inner corner. Keep going outward until you reach the farthest rim of your eye socket.

Indicated by the Ring Finger

When applying eye cream, use your ring finger because it doesn’t put as much pressure on the skin. This is the least strong finger in the hand. Therefore, it can be used to touch someone very gently without causing any discomfort.

Applying a Light Massage to the Eye Cream

Apply the eye cream using small, circular motions and your ring finger. Carry the action up and around the brow bone and the rest of the eye region. After massaging the cream into your skin, pat it gently to speed up absorption.

Wait for the Eye Cream to Sink

Wait a few minutes for the eye cream to sink into your skin before applying anything else. This will ensure that the active components permeate the skin and work as intended.

Additional Suggestions for the Best Outcomes

The instructions that come with your eye cream should always be followed.

  • It’s best to use an eye cream twice daily, in the morning and before bed.
  • To preserve its effectiveness, eye cream should be kept in a cool, dry place that is out of direct sunlight.
  • Applying eye cream should not involve any straining or stretching of the skin.
  • If you want lasting results from your eye cream, you must be patient and persistent with your routine.


How often should I use eye cream?

The most effective use of eye cream in pakistan is twice daily, in the morning and before bed.

Assuming I already use a moisturizer for my face, may I use that instead?

Although it may be tempting, there are better ideas than using your regular face moisturizer as an eye cream. Eye creams have been created with mild yet powerful ingredients to protect the delicate skin around your eyes.

When should I first start using an eye cream?

A: You are young enough to apply eye cream. Maintaining a youthful appearance around the eyes begins with preventative measures, such as including an eye cream in your skincare routine in your twenties.

Exactly how effective is eye cream at getting rid of dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are not always totally masked by eye creams, but they can assist. Causes of dark circles around the watches range from heredity to sleep deprivation to allergies. Applying an eye cream can help the skin around your eyes look smoother and brighter, making dark rings less noticeable.

Can I use eye makeup after using eye cream?

Makeup can be applied over eye cream once absorbed into the skin. Therefore, the answer is yes. After using eye cream, you should wait a few minutes before putting on makeup.


You need to apply it properly to get the most out of your eye cream and keep that sensitive area healthy. If you follow the steps in this article, you can apply the best eye cream in pakistan such that the active components permeate the skin and have an effect. Maintaining a regular regimen, picking an appropriate eye cream, and using it gently will yield the best results.



Le Pur Organics

Le Pur Organics is Pakistan's No.1 organic skincare brand, providing pure, natural and organically hand made products for all skin types.