Understanding Bribery Charges in Florida

Joshua LeRoy
3 min readJul 22, 2023


Essential Points About Bribery in Florida

  • Bribery is the act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.
  • Florida laws are strict and punitive towards bribery-related offenses.
  • Defense against bribery charges requires an experienced attorney well-versed in Florida’s criminal law system.
  • LeRoy Law is ready to support individuals in West Palm Beach facing such charges.

Here at LeRoy Law, we aim to provide skilled legal representation to individuals in Palm Beach County charged with bribery. We understand the gravity of such charges and the strain they can place on you and your loved ones.

Hypothetical Scenario of Bribery in West Palm Beach

Imagine this: Peter, a West Palm Beach business owner, faces a random inspection by a local health official. Nervous about the potential outcome, Peter slips a few hundred dollars into the inspector’s hand, hoping for a favorable report. Unbeknownst to Peter, a passerby witnessed this action and reported it to the authorities. Peter is subsequently charged with bribery under Florida State Statute 838.015.

Florida’s Penalties for Bribery

In Florida, bribery is considered a serious crime, and penalties upon conviction can be severe, including:

  • Classifications as a second-degree felony.
  • Up to 15 years in prison.
  • Fines up to $10,000.
  • Additional civil penalties, including the forfeiture of unlawful gains.

Criminal Defenses Against Bribery Charges in Florida

Bribery cases are often complex and require a thorough investigation. Some potential defenses could include the following:

  • Lack of intent to influence official actions.
  • Entrapment by law enforcement.
  • The value offered was not a bribe but a legal transaction.
  • Insufficient evidence to prove the offense.

In my legal career, I defended a client charged with bribery who had given an extravagant gift to a public official. We were able to prove that my client had no intent to influence the official’s actions, and the gift was a gesture of goodwill. Consequently, the charges were dropped.

LeRoy Law: Your Advocate in Bribery Charges

Bribery charges can be an intimidating experience, but remember that you do not have to face them alone. LeRoy Law is committed to protecting your rights and presenting the most robust defense possible. If you’re dealing with bribery charges in West Palm Beach, don’t hesitate to contact us at LeRoy Law. We’re prepared to handle the complexities of your case, ensuring your interests are our top priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can a private individual be charged with bribery? Yes, while most bribery cases involve public officials, private individuals can also be charged if they try to influence someone performing a public or legal duty.
  2. What constitutes a bribe? Any form of value, whether money, goods, favors, or services, given with the intent to influence someone’s actions can be considered a bribe.
  3. Is it still bribery if the other party doesn’t accept the offer? Yes, offering a bribe can constitute bribery, even if the offer is not accepted.
  4. What is ‘quid pro quo’ in terms of bribery? ‘Quid pro quo’ is a Latin term meaning ‘something for something.’ In bribery, it refers to an exchange where a favor or advantage is given in return for something of value.
  5. Can I be charged with bribery if I didn’t know it was illegal? Yes, ignorance of the law is typically not considered a valid defense in court. You can be charged if your actions fulfill the elements of bribery.

Disclaimer: LeRoy Law tries to ensure the accuracy of this article. However, Florida Statutes change, case law changes, and as such, errors may occur. LeRoy Law assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this article. LeRoy Law encourages you to utilize the links we provide to relevant Florida Statutes. Contact my office directly at [561.290.2730] if you have any questions or require legal assistance.



Joshua LeRoy

Criminal justice attorney, Trial attorney