My Journey to Bloom: How I Inspire Others to Heal and Grow

Lesley D. Nurse
3 min readJan 20, 2023

Hi, my name is Lesley. I am a personal growth coach, helping others find their way from gloom to bloom. My journey began when I was in a place of darkness and despair. I had never felt so low, so lost in life. But through healing myself, and understanding myself better, I was able to grow into the person I am today-a woman who is passionate about inspiring and empowering others to do the same.

From Gloom to Bloom: How I Helped Myself Heal

When it came time for me to heal, I started by asking myself some tough questions. What were the things that were preventing me from feeling joy? What were the beliefs that were holding me back? Once I was able to identify these roadblocks, it was easier for me to find ways around them.

I realized that many of my beliefs had been shaped by societal norms and pressures; things like “you have to be perfect” or “you have to be successful” or “you have to fit in”. It took time, but eventually I learned how to let go of those limiting beliefs and embrace who I truly am-not who society told me I should be. This process allowed me to start feeling more confident and…



Lesley D. Nurse

Lesley is an accomplished author and self-care advocate | Mango Runway celebrates natural beauty and shines bright.