I had my Twitter account locked for asking a question

A very brief account

Lesley Semmens
1 min readJul 27, 2019

Earlier this week I tried to log into my Twitter account only to find it was locked!

My offence? This tweet from March 2018 (yes 2018!):

I appealed, saying it was a question of fact.

Two days later the response to my appeal was this:

So, in order to get back into my account, I had to delete the offending tweet.

Someone had decided, because I tweet about

  • abuses of self-id (which, despite there having been no change in the law in the UK, is de facto in operation)
  • the danger transgender ideology poses to children and young people and
  • women needing single sex spaces in e.g. domestic violence refuges, rape crisis centres and prisons

that I needed to be taught a lesson.

The only “lesson” I have learnt is that I should lock my account overnight!!

