PASINAYA 2017: Open House Festival

Leslie Abinuman
2 min readFeb 11, 2017


“Pasinaya: Open House Festival” is annual multi-arts festival that features thousands of artists and hundreds of artistic and cultural groups. For its 13th year, the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) kicked off the two-day festival with a workshop-all-you-can last Saturday, February 04 and an all-day show on February 05, Sunday.

It’s my first time to attend the Pasinaya event. To be honest, I have never even heard of it before. If it weren’t for this subject, I would have never known about it. At first, I’m not interested to go to the festival because it’s actually not a requirement but I opted to attend out of curiosity and I thought that since I promised myself to be more active and outgoing this year, it would be a good step. Looking back, I’m glad I went.

With a couple of friends, we chose to attend the all-day show scheduled on Sunday. When we arrived, I was so surprised because there is huge number of people present in the venue! I only expected a few people but the crowd I saw there was definitely not few.

Due to the huge crowd and long queues, we were only able to see one performance that featured the Philippine Madrigal Singers. After their astounding presentation, we joined museum hopping. We went to at least three (3) museums (my friends and I did not use the van provided to tour around, instead we walked) — Bahay Tsinoy, Casa Manila and National Commission for Culture and Arts. We were also supposed to go to National Museum but when we arrived there, it was already closing and we were not allowed in. CONFESSION TIME! Out of all the museums we went, Bahay Tsinoy was my favorite one.

To be able to fully cover my first Pasinaya experience, I tried to do a little video that shows my tiring but worthwhile day. (It’s not the best, but I tried hehe)

I thoroughly enjoyed my first Pasinaya experience and I am definitely looking forward for next year’s festival!

