Is Solar Worth It in Illinois? (2024 Guide)

Leslie Larosa
10 min readJan 18, 2024


Did you know that Illinois is speeding ahead on the solar track with some of the strongest solar incentives in the Midwest? That’s right; the Prairie State isn’t just about cornfields and Chicago — it’s becoming a hotspot for harnessing the sun’s power. But let’s face it, switching to solar is a big decision that has you wondering, “Is solar really worth it for me in Illinois?”

Well, you’ve come to the right place for answers. In this guide, we’re going to shine a light on all the key factors that’ll help you figure out if going solar in Illinois in 2024 is the bright choice for you. We’re talking incentives, payback periods, and the nitty-gritty of Illinois’ solar scene. We’ll keep things clear and straightforward, with a splash of straight talk, so you can understand the ins and outs without getting blinded by complex jargon.

Curious if solar is the right choice for you? Find out more about this by visiting our Get Solar Quote section for a personalized assessment!

As solar experts, we’ve seen firsthand the transformational impact solar energy can have — not just on your electricity bill but on the environment, too. Interested in learning more about solar power and why we’re the best? Check out our homepage, SolarPowerSystems, for comprehensive reviews of the top solar installers in the US.

So, let’s dive in and break down whether the Land of Lincoln’s rays can add some serious sparkle to your life (and wallet!) in 2024. For a deeper look, visit our article on top solar installers in Illinois!

The Solar Landscape in Illinois

You might be curious about the solar scene in the Land of Lincoln, and honestly, it’s thriving more than ever! Illinois is embracing solar power with open arms, retrofitting its vast cornfields and urban spaces alike with these sunshine catchers. Did you know that more than 22,000 installations have sprung up across the state? That’s right — from residential rooftops to business parks, solar panels are soaking up the sun’s rays and powering a cleaner future.

What’s even more impressive is the sheer speed at which Illinoisans are joining the solar movement. The state has seen a dazzling 1,200% growth rate in solar adoption over the past five years. Believe it or not, each panel installed is a step towards reducing carbon footprints and fostering energy independence.

Take the story of the Thompson family from Naperville, for instance. They decided to make the switch to solar and haven’t looked back since. Installing solar panels on their home not only slashed their energy bills by nearly 60% but also increased their property value. Meanwhile, over at Peoria, Smith’s Bakery is now known as the ‘solar-powered sweet spot’ after they traded their conventional power source for the sun. This shift significantly cut their operation costs, allowing them to invest more in what they do best — baking delectable treats!

And let’s not forget, Illinois is sweetening the deal with state-specific incentives that reward you for going green. So there’s no better time to hop on board the solar train because the sun in Illinois is shining bright on a sea of cost-saving, earth-loving solar panels.

Benefits of Solar Power in Illinois

Imagine stepping outside on a clear Illinois morning, feeling the sun’s gentle warmth on your skin. That same sunshine, all across the Land of Lincoln, isn’t just perfect for picnics and ballgames — it’s your ticket to harnessing clean, renewable energy right from your rooftop. Here’s the scoop: Illinois may not be the Sunbelt, but don’t be fooled, we’re blessed with plenty of sunlight to efficiently power our homes and businesses with solar installations.

Now, lean in for the real gem — saving money. As an Illinoisan, going solar means you could significantly lower your utility bills. Think about it, who wouldn’t relish the idea of watching those pesky electric bills shrink, month after month? And with incentives like the Illinois Shines program offering rebates for solar generation, your shift to solar isn’t just smart, it’s economically savvy!

But wait, there’s more — an environmental hug for our beautiful prairies and bustling cities. By choosing solar in Illinois, you’re making a bold statement for sustainability, reducing your carbon footprint, and directly contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment for generations to come.

This is where the sun meets savings and stewardship. Picture your home, a beacon of green innovation, a testament to your commitment to not just saving greenbacks, but also to greening our slice of the Midwest. Welcome to a brighter future, fellow Illinoisan, where your power is literally in your hands, and the possibilities shine as bright as a mid-summer’s day by Lake Michigan.

Financial Aspects

Alright, let’s talk dollars and sense when it comes to powering your home with sunshine in Illinois. You’re probably thinking, “Sure, solar panels sound great, but won’t they cost me an arm and a leg?” Definitely not! In fact, with a cocktail of financial incentives and a bit of savvy, the Land of Lincoln can be the land of savings for you.

First off, the cost of installing solar panels in Illinois typically ranges between $15,000 to $25,000, but don’t let that initial number spook you. You’ve got some powerful friends in high places — federal and state incentives. For starters, the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which is a hefty 30% off the top of your solar panel installation cost. That’s right — a third of your investment back in your pocket!

But wait, Illinois has more up its sleeve. The state’s Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC) basically pay you for the electricity your panels generate. And we can’t forget the Illinois Solar for All Program, which is designed to help low-income households switch to solar with greater ease. Plus, you’ll be slashing your energy bills from the get-go. Thinking about all those savings is probably making you feel warm, and it’s not just the solar panels doing their job!

Now, here’s a real-life scenario to fan the flames of your interest. Say hello to Jane from Joliet. She installed a 5kW solar system on her home, and after using her federal tax credit and state incentives, Jane saw her costs drop by over 40%. With her electricity bills cut in half, Jane’s system will pay for itself in just under 6 years. After that? It’s just free energy and saving money, sunshine.

So, the moral of the story is that a sunny day for your wallet is just a solar panel installation away in Illinois. With incentives like these, can you afford not to go solar?

Challenges and Considerations

Embarking on a solar adventure in Illinois? That’s a bright move! Now, let’s navigate some of the common hurdles together. Space for your solar panels can be a head-scratcher, especially if your roof is compact or shaded. But hey, don’t let that cloud your solar dreams! Ground-mounted systems or community solar gardens are nifty alternatives to traditional rooftop arrays. They are like a breath of fresh air for homes where roof space isn’t quite cutting it.

The upfront investment for solar can seem daunting, but remember, Illinois is no stranger to solar incentives that help lighten the load. With programs like the Illinois Shines Incentive, solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) can put a dent in the initial costs. Plus, the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) deserves a high-five for allowing you to shave off 26% of your installation costs from your federal taxes. That’s a chunk of change staying snug in your pocket!

Keep this in mind: energy efficiency upgrades can be a game-changer. Swap out those old light bulbs for LEDs, seal up drafty doors and windows, and presto, you’ll need fewer panels to cover your energy needs. Fewer panels mean reduced costs — it’s a win-win.

So, while the road to solar in Illinois comes with a few speed bumps, your journey is supported by incentives and innovative options that make it as smooth as possible. Stay positive, and you’ll be soaking up the sun’s power before you know it, with plenty of green in both your yard and wallet.

Solar Panels: Quality and Efficiency

Venturing into solar power is like setting sail on a sunny adventure, and the panels you choose are your trusty vessel. Let’s get you shipshape by exploring the types of solar panels that’ll thrive in Illinois’s unique climate. Here, we’ve got something akin to a meteorological buffet — expect hot summers, freezing winters, and a medley of sunny, windy, and cloudy days.

First off, we’ve got our workhorse: the monocrystalline solar panels. These beauties are designed with a single, pure crystal structure, which basically makes them the Ferraris of the solar world. They boast top-notch efficiency, perfect for Illinois’s variable climate, by capturing more sunlight on those clear Chicago days, and keep ticking even when clouds gatecrash the sun party.

Then, we have polycrystalline panels — let’s call them the reliable pick-up trucks. They’re built with multiple silicon crystals and, while they’re not as efficient as their monocrystalline cousins, they come with a friendlier price tag. They’re tough too, putting up a good fight against the whims of Illinois weather.

Talking about longevity, you’re looking at a solid 25 to 30 years of green energy. Modern solar panels are pretty low maintenance, only needing an occasional dust-off to keep them at peak performance. Snow and ice? No worries! These panels are durable enough to handle Chicago’s chilliest jokes.

Remember, the right solar panel not only must fit your energy needs but also your location’s demands. Invest in quality and, whether it’s a sweltering July or a frosty January, your solar panels will keep converting those golden rays into clean, cost-saving energy. And, with Illinois’s net metering and state incentives, you’ll be singing all the way to the bank — or the beach, considering all the savings!

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Embarking on the solar power journey can be both exciting and daunting. As you’re mulling it over, picture this: your own rooftop, transforming sunny days into electricity savings and giving back to the planet. But how do you know if it’s the right fit for you? Let’s reel in the specifics. It’s time to cast an eye over your roof. Is it sun-kissed for the better part of the day, nearly free from the shade of those towering oaks or nearby structures? You see, ample, unobstructed roof space is your golden ticket to maximizing solar gains.

Curious if solar is the right choice for you? Find out by asking for a solar quote for a personalized assessment!

Now, gauge your energy consumption. Are your bills shouting for a change? If your monthly energy statement is putting a frown on your face, solar panels can brighten your day with potentially huge savings in the long run. And speaking of the long haul, don’t let the upfront costs cloud your vision. Sure, the initial investment is not pocket change, but tax incentives, potential financing solutions, and the beckoning decrease in utility bills can make it a financially savvy move. Plus, higher home values and the priceless sense of contributing to a greener world are the cherries on top.

Interested in learning more about solar power and why we’re the best? Check out our homepage, SolarPowerSystems, for comprehensive reviews of the top solar installers in the US.

Here’s where the rubber meets the road: financial capacity. It’s essential to hash out what’s feasible for your wallet. Solar isn’t a one-size-fits-all, but tapping into local incentives and solar programs might just tailor it to your budget. So, take the time to crunch the numbers — think less short-term spend and more long-term investment.

With every panel you envision on your roof, remember you’re not only investing in your home but also hedging against future energy cost hikes. It’s about the bigger picture — financial freedom, energy independence, and being a part of a sustainable future. As you sift through these nuggets of wisdom, consider how the sun’s generosity can align with your life’s blueprint. For a deeper look — check out our top solar installers in Illinois article.

Ready to make a bright decision?


Going solar in Illinois is a bright idea, especially in 2024! With a mix of plentiful sun, state-specific incentives, and the federal solar tax credit, homeowners here have a unique opportunity to cut their energy bills and contribute to a greener planet. The Illinois Shines initiative, a renewable energy credit program, along with the state’s net metering policy, means that you can potentially earn credit for the extra energy you generate. It’s not just about savings, though — it’s about taking control of your energy future and investing in a sustainable home. You’re not only protecting your wallet from rising energy costs but also increasing your property value, and let’s not forget the feel-good factor of reducing your carbon footprint. Each rooftop is different, and so is your energy profile, so getting a tailored assessment is key.

Eager to see how you can harness the power of the sun to your personal advantage? Curious if your rooftop can transform into a powerhouse? We’re here to shed light on all your solar queries and lay out a path that’s sunlit and savings-rich for you. Reach out to our team for a personalized solar evaluation and let’s turn your green energy dreams into a reality. Your journey to solar starts with a simple click or call — let’s get illumining!

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List of References

  1. «What Are the Different Types of Solar Panel Connectors?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «How To Create a Simple Wiring Diagram for Solar Panels?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «In Which Direction Should Solar Panels Be Installed?». Site: «Solar Power System»



Leslie Larosa

I am a writer, weaving words into captivating articles. My mastery of this craft allows me to paint vivid pictures and inspire minds.