Is Solar Worth It in Nebraska? (2024 Guide)

Leslie Larosa
10 min readJan 25, 2024


Are you sitting on the fence about going solar in Nebraska? You’re not alone. In a state where the sun smiles down on us for most of the year, harnessing solar energy is more than just eco-friendly — it’s becoming a smart financial move. The Cornhusker State has seen a surge in solar panel installations, and it’s no wonder why. With electricity rates steadily climbing, that one-time investment could shrink your utility bills and even pay you back over time.

Now, you might be thinking, “Sure, it sounds great, but will it really work for me?” That’s exactly what we’re here to explore. Whether you own a home dancing in the unobstructed plains or you’re nestled in one of Nebraska’s bustling cities, this guide will shed light on the ins and outs of going solar in your state. From unraveling the tangled threads of tax incentives and rebates to sizing up the sun’s generosity across Nebraska’s diverse weather patterns, we’ll walk you through the practicalities. Let’s find out if solar panels can be your golden ticket to energy independence and savings in 2024.

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The Solar Landscape in Nebraska

Hey there, if you’re nestled in the Heartland and curious about the solar scene, Nebraska’s sunny skies might just surprise you! The Cornhusker State is steadily soaking up the sun, with a growth in solar installations that’s truly inspiring. Let’s dive into the numbers — as of now, there are enough solar panels installed across Nebraska to power over 6,000 homes, and that’s not just peanuts! The state may rank in the lower half nationally for solar adoption, but don’t let that fool you; Nebraska’s solar capacity has experienced a surge, growing by over 30% in recent years.

Now, imagine you’re chatting with your good neighbor, Bob. He’s your typical Nebraskan, but with a twist — Bob’s farm is a beacon of sunlight, quite literally. Bob took the plunge and installed a solar array, which now powers his entire operation. Not only is his corn as high as an elephant’s eye by the fourth of July, but his electricity bill is also lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut, thanks to the state’s net metering program. Bob’s story isn’t a one-off either; both homes and businesses across Nebraska are catching on to the benefits of going solar, breaking free from high utility costs and contributing to a greener grid.

What’s fueling this solar uptick? Well, Nebraska’s fantastic incentives are like a high-octane boost. Take the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which lops off a whopping 26% of the cost right off the top. Mix that with utility company rebates and local incentives, and you’ve got a recipe for solar success. And let’s not overlook the impact on property value. Homes with solar installations are selling at premiums, making the sun’s power not just a smart choice for the planet but also a smart investment. So, if you’re mulling over solar for your home in Nebraska, you’re tuning into a powerful wavelength!

Benefits of Solar Power in Nebraska

If you’re living in Nebraska, embracing solar power isn’t just a smart move; it’s a brilliant dance with the sun. Imagine capturing the state’s abundant sunshine, an almost untapped resource beaming down on your home, and transforming it into clean, cost-effective energy. Nebraska’s wide-open spaces are a goldmine for sunlight, and they offer a unique advantage for homeowners like you to significantly reduce your electricity bills.

Think about this: by installing solar panels, you’re essentially locking in energy costs for the lifespan of the system, which can be 25 years or more. With electricity prices on the rise, that’s like finding an economic sanctuary in your own backyard! Plus, state-specific incentives sweeten the deal, making solar power an even more attractive investment. And let’s not forget the fulfillment that comes from reducing your carbon footprint. In Nebraska, where traditional power sources contribute to greenhouse gases, your shift to solar is a personal stand against pollution — like planting a vast forest of green energy right on your roof.

The impact is real: solar power in Nebraska could ultimately lead to cleaner air and a healthier environment. It’s a legacy of sustainability you’re creating, not just for yourself, but for future generations. So, when you’re soaking up the sun on a bright Nebraska day, remember, that sunlight could be more than just a pleasant warmth; it could be the ray of hope for a brighter, greener future thanks to the smart, eco-friendly choice you made with solar power.

Financial Aspects

Venturing into the solar scene in Nebraska can be quite an adventure for your wallet, but in all the best ways! When you think about installing solar panels, the price tag might seem a tad steep at first glance — typically ranging from $15,000 to $25,000 for an average-sized residential system before incentives. But don’t let that initial cost cloud your vision of the sunny savings ahead!

Here’s where the plot thickens — in a good way. Nebraska’s got your back with some financial perks. You can snag a hearty federal tax credit known as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct a chunky 30% of your solar system’s cost from your federal taxes. That’s quite the slice off your bill! And while Nebraska doesn’t have a state tax credit, other local incentives can still brighten your day.

Let’s take Mr. and Mrs. Green from Lincoln as an example. They leaped into the solar pool and coughed up $20,000 for panels. Thanks to the ITC, they had $6,000 less to worry about come tax time. Nebraska’s net metering policy also means the excess energy their panels produce goes back to the grid, earning them credit that lowers their future bills. Fast forward a year, and they’re saving roughly $1,000 annually on electricity. Their system will pay for itself in about 14 years, and with panels lasting 25–30 years, we’re talking about a solid decade or more of virtually free energy!

While Nebraska is still catching up on the solar incentive bandwagon, the existing federal tax credit, along with local utility rebates and net metering, make going solar a shrewd financial maneuver. After all, splashing out on solar is not just about lighting up your home; it’s an investment in both your financial future and in a cleaner, greener Nebraska.

Challenges and Considerations

I get it, diving into the world of solar in Nebraska might have you feeling a bit like a corn stalk in a windstorm — it’s easy to get swayed by concerns about the space you’ll need and the upfront cost of installation. But let’s dig into that, shall we? When it comes to space, you might be picturing vast solar farms, but the truth is, your home doesn’t need to rival a football field to tap into the sun’s power. Most residential rooftops have more than enough room to fit a solar system that meets your needs. And if your roof is more on the ‘cozy’ side, or as unique as a Sandhill Crane’s call, ground-mounted systems could be your ticket to clean energy — they can nestle right into your backyard.

Now let’s shine some light on that initial investment. Yes, the upfront cost can be a hurdle, but hold on before you let that deter you. Nebraska’s looking out for you with incentives like net metering, where you can earn credits for surplus energy you feed back to the grid, and federal tax credits clipping a significant portion off the top of installation costs. And let’s not forget — solar is a long-term relationship; the savings on your energy bills will keep growing, like Nebraska’s golden prairies, making it one heck of a smart investment over time.

So, while these concerns are as real as the Huskers’ passion for football, you’ve got some solid plays to tackle them. With every challenge, there’s a route to victory, and in the solar game, your win is a win for the planet, too. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey — seek out a trusted solar professional who will help map out the path that’s right for your home. They’ll make sure you’ve got all the right moves, from maximizing your space to navigating the incentives. Ready to harness some sun? Let’s do this!

Solar Panels: Quality and Efficiency

When you’re thinking about embracing solar power in Nebraska, the efficiency and quality of the solar panels you choose are key elements to consider. In the Cornhusker State, you’ll want panels that can withstand a decent range of weather conditions, from hot summers to chilly winters. Now, there are mainly three types of solar panels to look out for: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Each one has its pros and cons.

Monocrystalline panels, with their sleek, dark look and high-efficiency rates, are top performers, especially when space is at a premium. They’re like the marathon runners of solar panels, built to last and really reliable. Polycrystalline panels, on the other hand, are more budget-friendly and still perform admirably under Nebraska’s wide-open skies. They present a more blueish hue and have a slightly lower efficiency, but they are no slouches when it comes to powering your home.

Lastly, thin-film panels. These guys are the new kids on the block, offering flexibility and a lower cost. Despite their lower efficiency, they hold their own in diverse temperatures, which is a plus for the varied Nebraska climate.

And let’s talk longevity. Solar panels are a long-term relationship kind of investment. Ideally, we’re looking at 25 to 30 years of life, with some even going beyond that. Maintenance is pretty chill too — a little cleaning now and then to keep them free from debris and snow, and you’re set. So, picking the right panel isn’t just about the initial cost — it’s about looking at the big picture of efficiency, durability, and how you want to balance those elements in Nebraska’s unique environment. It’s like choosing a sturdy pair of boots; you want ones that can handle a Sunday stroll or a trek through the woods, right? That’s the vibe you’re aiming for with your solar panels.

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Taking the leap into solar energy is a big decision, and you’re smart for weighing your options. Let’s break it down into manageable pieces. Firstly, have a look at your roof — is it spacious, with a clear shot at the southern sky? That is prime real estate for solar panels. But don’t fret if your roof is more on the cozy side or partially shaded; advances in solar tech mean even roofs with less than ideal conditions can still benefit from solar power.

Now, think about your energy needs. Do your monthly bills send you into a bit of a tailspin? Going solar can be a real game-changer. In fact, the average solar setup can save homeowners tens of thousands of dollars over its lifetime. But let’s be real, the upfront costs aren’t pocket change. However, this is where state incentives and financing options enter the scene; they’re like that friend who spots you for lunch when you’ve forgotten your wallet.

But here’s the real kicker — solar isn’t just about saving some green. It’s a commitment to a greener planet. Every kilowatt-hour of solar power cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions, playing your part against climate change. So, while you’re crunching the numbers, remember to factor in the value of leaving a healthier planet for future generations.

Take a moment to visualize your home powered by the sun. The panels perched up there aren’t just generating electricity; they’re a testament to a forward-thinking choice. If you’re nodding along thinking, “Yeah, this feels right,” then you might just be ready to bask in the benefits of solar power.


Absolutely, solar is a savvy choice in Nebraska, and here’s why: The Cornhusker State beams with potential for solar energy! With around 220 sunny days a year, your panels could soak up loads of sunshine. Plus, Nebraska’s net metering policy means that you can earn credit on your utility bill for the excess energy you produce. And let’s not forget about local incentives like the Lincoln Electric System’s Sustainable Energy Program, which could further sweeten the deal. Feeling intrigued by the bright prospects of solar in Nebraska? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as your savings and system size depend on factors like roof angle and energy consumption.

Ready to shine a light on your personal solar potential? Our team of solar aficionados can’t wait to help you navigate the ins and outs of going solar in Nebraska. Reach out for a bespoke assessment tailored just for you — we’ll ensure you’ve got all the facts to make an informed decision. Let’s harness that Nebraska sun together!

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Leslie Larosa

I am a writer, weaving words into captivating articles. My mastery of this craft allows me to paint vivid pictures and inspire minds.