New Hampshire Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Leslie Larosa
14 min readJan 11, 2024


Dive into the heart of New England where the Granite State stands as a paragon of sustainability and environmental stewardship. In New Hampshire, where the sylvan landscapes meet the serenity of the coastline, harnessing the power of the sun is more than an eco-conscious decision; it’s a financially savvy move guarded by a robust framework of incentives, tax credits, and rebates. In our journey through the tapestry of renewable energy sources, solar energy emerges as an illustrious star, offering an antidote to carbon-heavy electric grids and a harmonious path to a greener tomorrow. As we bid farewell to 2023 and look to 2024, New Hampshire residents are at the cusp of a solar renaissance, buoyed by state-sanctioned benefits that unlock the sun’s potential. The state’s commitment is reflected in the attractive New Hampshire solar incentives, including the Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption, the Electric Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) market, and a flurry of local rebates that kindle the flames of solar transition. These incentives are a beacon of hope, ensuring that the pivot to solar is illuminated with financial feasibility and ecological harmony — two peas in a pod for the discerning homeowner and the climate-conscious citizen.

Get Solar Quote in New Hampshire

In the brisk climate of New Hampshire, where the photovoltaic potential is a kaleidoscope fluctuating with the changing seasons, obtaining a personalized solar quote transcends the realm of mere recommendation to become an indispensable step for any solar dreamer. The state’s unique net metering policies and renewable portfolio standards add layers of complexity and opportunity to the solar investment landscape. To navigate these waters with the finesse of a seasoned sailor, residents must solicit tailored solar quotes that align with their specific energy profiles, roof orientations, and local weather patterns.

The journey to secure this golden ticket — the solar quote — traditionally kicks off with a digital tango of information exchange. Homeowners need to provide their average electricity usage, the expanse of their sun-kissed rooves, and appetite for financial incentives like the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) in play, which in the “Granite State” also commingles with enticing local benefits.

This is where Solar Power Systems lasers in on the research crusade, having dissected the offerings of myriad solar installers in New Hampshire with surgical precision. Leveraging a database bulging with real-time metrics on pricing, installation timelines, equipment quality, and warranty guarantees, we serve as the compass to guide you through the maze of solar customization. Owner testimonials, virtual consultations, and satellite-imaging technology for assessment; all are infused in the intricate process, ensuring that the quote you receive doesn’t merely skim the surface but dives deep into the marrow of what your solar expedition in New Hampshire needs to be fruitful.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in New Hampshire

Solar energy in New Hampshire is a dynamo on the rise, fueled by expansive policies and a climate that plays to the strengths of photovoltaic technology. Despite its New England location, known for picturesque autumns and snowy winters, the Granite State is primed for solar expansion, harnessing an average of nearly 4 hours of peak sunlight per day — a metric not too distant from the sunnier climes of regions typically associated with robust solar markets. New Hampshire’s solar landscape is eclectic, interspersed with residential roof-top arrays, burgeoning commercial solar farms, and community solar gardens.

The state has gone full tilt in incentivizing solar power, with policies such as the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) mandating that 25.2% of New Hampshire’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2025. This goal becomes a tailwind propelling solar investments across the state. Moreover, regulatory incentives such as Net Metering, allowing solar system owners to sell excess power back to the grid, weave together a practical fabric for solar energy’s proliferation.

Coupled with federal tax credits and local rebate programs, New Hampshire’s solar framework is a hotbed of opportunity. This, aligned with escalating electricity rates and growing environmental cognizance, has crystallized a demand for independent energy solutions, cascading towards an inordinate uptake in solar installations across the state’s variable topographies. Whether nestled within the Monadnock Highlands or studding the coastal plains, solar panels in New Hampshire are becoming more than just an energy alternative; they are evolving into the state’s energy mainstay.

Types of Solar Incentives in New Hampshire

Navigating the solar incentives in New Hampshire, one finds a tapestry of financial sweeteners that galvanize homeowners towards adopting this green energy source. At the forefront is the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), a formidable incentive allowing solar adopters to deduct 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from their federal taxes. However, this is just the appetizer in the banquet of benefits. The state-specific New Hampshire Residential Solar Incentive Program carves out its niche by offering an additional rebate of $0.20 per watt for residential installations, capped at a generous 10kW, making the sun’s bounty more accessible than ever.

But the financial allure to go solar in New Hampshire doesn’t end there. The Renewable Energy Fund, instated by the state legislature, injects vitality into the local solar market by infusing it with grants and rebates, serving as a catalyst for residential and commercial installations. These incentives reduce the formidable upfront costs, effectively lowering the solar installation payback period. With the Granite State’s net metering policy, surplus energy churned out by rooftop arrays funnels back into the grid, rewarding the solar evangelists with credits — a seasonal boon during New Hampshire’s long, sun-kissed days. The synergy between state law, proactive regulations, and a climate that offers ample sunshine, despite its chilly winters, constructs a fertile terrain for the solar enterprise to flourish.

Benefits of Solar Panels in New Hampshire

Harnessing the power of solar energy in the Granite State isn’t just a sustainable choice but a financially savvy one as well. New Hampshire, with its clean energy initiatives and favorable net metering policies, enables homeowners to receive credit for the excess energy their solar panels produce, thereby slashing their electrical bills and ensuring that their investment pays dividends. The regional climate, belying misconceptions, is surprisingly suitable for solar — while winters may be long, the state enjoys ample sunny days, facilitating substantial solar collection and contributing to significant energy savings over time.

But it’s not just the individual who benefits; solar panel installations contribute to a green economy, fostering job growth in the clean energy sector, which further strengthens local communities. Environmentally, solar adoption helps New Hampshire combat its greenhouse gas emissions — a crucial step given the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). This ecological commitment to renewable energies, therefore, assists in preserving the state’s magnificent natural landscapes, ensuring cleaner air and water, and establishing a more resilient ecosystem in the face of climate change. Engaging in solar panel use in New Hampshire doesn’t just make economic sense for the savvy homeowner; it’s a communal high-five to a healthier economy and a greener world.

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

The Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) has long served as a catalyst for the solar industry, propelling New Hampshire residents into a renewable energy future. As of 2024, the ITC allows homeowners and businesses in the Granite State to deduct a substantial 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from their federal taxes. This percentage represents a crucial financial incentive for those considering the switch to solar power, easing the initial investment required to harness the sun’s energy. New Hampshire’s climate, with its ample summer sunshine, complements this solar uptake, making it an even more attractive proposition.

It is pertinent for potential solar adopters to be cognizant of the dynamic landscape of federal solar incentives. While the 26% credit remains unaltered for the moment, it’s essential to note that the incentive is slated for a step down to 22% come 2025, before the residential credit is currently anticipated to phase out completely by 2026, barring any legislative updates. Commercial and utility-scale projects will concurrently see a reduction but will retain a permanent 10% tax credit beyond 2026.

New Hampshire residents stand to benefit greatly from jumping into the solar fray sooner rather than later. The state-specific push dovetails with the ITC, as New Hampshire does not stipulate any cap on the state solar tax credit, unlike some states, and offers property tax exemptions for solar installations. This creates an enticing amalgam for residents, who can maximize financial gains and reduce dependency on nonrenewable energy sources concurrently, while contributing to New Hampshire’s commendable renewable portfolio standard (RPS) targets.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

Amidst the verdant landscapes of New Hampshire, residents are uniquely positioned to harness the sun’s effervescence due to generous state-specific incentives that aim to scale the photovoltaic skyline. The crux of the Granite State’s photonic financial largesse is the Residential Renewable Electrical Generation Rebate Program, offering rebates for solar installations. Solar adopters can bask in the opportunity to snip their installation costs by claiming $0.20 per watt of solar energy installed, with limits capping at $1,000 or 30% of the system cost, a boon for those entwined in the pursuit of sustainable autonomy.

Moreover, the State of New Hampshire punctuates its robust incentive scheme with a property tax exemption for renewable energy systems, ensuring that solar system installations do not inflate property taxes, thus tethering solar investment to unequivocal economic wisdom. The echoes of policy harmonize with the rhythms of nature when one considers that New Hampshire laws also sanction Net Metering, permitting residential solar generators to earn credits for excess energy pushed back into the grid — an electric symbiosis between consumer and utility.

Harnessing the legal framework like seasoned solar strategists bears ripe financial fruit for New Hampshire’s eco-laudable citizens. The interplay of these incentives not only underlines the state’s commitment to a glimmering, carbon-neutral future but also positions New Hampshire as a pulsating beacon guiding the Northeast towards an irradiant renewable renaissance.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy policies, New Hampshire stands out with its enabling stance on net metering, a policy that financially benefits owners of solar panel systems. Net metering in the Granite State allows residential and commercial customers with solar installations to receive credits on their utility bills for any excess energy their panels generate and send back to the grid; these can offset the cost of power drawn from the utility at night or on overcast days. The policy applies to systems up to one megawatt in size, catering to a wide range of solar adopters, from modest residential setups to more capacious commercial arrays.

Furthermore, the existence of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) in New Hampshire adds an appetizing cherry on top of the solar incentive sundae. SRECs represent the environmental value of electricity generated by your solar panels, and each time a system produces one megawatt-hour of electricity, an SREC is earned and can be sold on an open market, thereby providing an additional revenue stream for solar system owners. The SREC market, however, is subject to supply and demand and can be influenced by the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) goals, a mechanism designed to increase the production of renewable energy. The RPS details specific benchmarks that utilities must meet regarding renewable energy production, and failing to meet these may result in increased demand for SRECs, potentially bolstering their market value, a nuance that underscores the intricate interplay between state regulations and the economics of going solar in New Hampshire.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

Diving into the vortex of solar financing in New Hampshire, residents find themselves catapulted into a constellation of enticing options, particularly when they latch onto the state-specific solar loan programs. New Hampshire waves the flag of eco-innovation with programs like the Residential Solar PV Loan, an initiative that propels homeowners toward the sun with lower interest rates specifically designed to lighten the financial load of solar panel installation. This program, in a harmonious dance with the clean energy incentives, positions itself as an audacious stride towards a sustainable future, ensuring that the upfront cost of solar doesn’t eclipse the ambition of the environmentally conscious homeowner.

Moreover, the New Hampshire Solar Shares program is a beam of hope for lower-income families, as it offers a heightened level of assistance, allowing for broader inclusivity in the shift towards renewable energy. The versatility of choices doesn’t end there — entering the mix are Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing options, which synergize property values with energy efficiency. In the climatic symphony that is New Hampshire’s weather, with its crystalline winters and sun-drenched summers, solar power harnesses year-round potential. These financing strategies, intertwined with federal tax incentives and New Hampshire’s net metering policies, craft a tapestry of opportunity, not just illuminating homes but also empowering the economic fabric of the Granite State with sustainable threads. As more residents ride the crest of solar adoption, the state’s legislative architecture ensures that this journey becomes not only an electrifying possibility but also an attainable reality.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

In the verdant expanses of New Hampshire, the quest for sustainability has germinated a plethora of local incentives designed to propel solar adoption beyond the state-level benefits. Cities and counties have unfurled a tapestry of rebates and initiatives that synergize with the Granite State’s renewable aspirations. For instance, specific localities offer property tax exemptions for solar energy systems, allowing homeowners to invest in photovoltaic panache without the specter of increased property taxes. This merely scratches the surface of fiscal alchemy, as municipalities like Nashua and Manchester endorse robust net metering programs, amplifying the allure of solar investment through lucrative energy credits.

Moreover, New Hampshire’s embrace of community solar projects is a testament to its collective spirit in renewable ventures. These programs allow groups of residents to partake in solar electricity benefits without the need to install panels on their own roofs. It’s an electrifying dance of communal participation, staging a tableau where renters and individuals with shaded roofs can still glean the sun’s largesse.

The pièce de résistance may well be the group-buying discounts that have emerged. When neighborhoods marshal together, forming solar alliances, the reduction in collective cost is as striking as a New England autumn. Through these group investments, economies of scale become a tangible advantage, making solar access not only environmentally astute but financially savvy. Such initiatives sound the bugle for a more eco-centric New Hampshire, galvanizing a green energy tapestry threaded with local incentives that beckon homeowners to contribute to a brighter, cleaner, solar-suffused horizon.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

In the brisk and evergreen state of New Hampshire, a veritable surge of solar enthusiasm cascades through its residents, aligned with rigorous eligibility criteria tethered to an array of incentives and rebates designed to encourage the switch to solar power. The eligibility for the New Hampshire Solar Incentive Program, for instance, mandates residential status and the installation of the photovoltaic system by a certified solar installer. When it comes to the Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption, your system’s locale must not exceed 100 kilowatts to gain exemption from property tax assessments. Thriving under the auspices of the net metering policy, systems of up to one megawatt can garner credit for the surplus energy they return to the grid — a scintillating boon for those looking to reduce their bill and impact on the environment.

To tap into these solar incentives, kickstart your application by engaging with a certified solar installer who can intricately navigate New Hampshire’s solar landscape with finesse — identifying which programs your installation can capitalize on. Together, you will choreograph the submission of necessary documentation through specific program portals; for instance, the PUC’s website for state rebates or directly through your municipality for property tax exemptions. The pièce de résistance in your application journey is the utility approval and interconnection agreements, which, once secured, will illuminate your path to not just solar installation but also to reaping the financial and environmental rewards cascading from New Hampshire’s supportive solar canopy.

Case Studies or Success Stories

Dive headfirst into the enigmatic world of New Hampshire’s solar enticements, where the confluence of state initiatives and local sun-worshipping habits forge an alliance as formidable as the granite underlying this Northeastern state. Take, for instance, the breathtaking saga of Portsmouth’s Green Alliance, a confederation of local businesses, where solar panels sprout atop roofs like verdant fields of eco-consciousness. Under the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission’s solar rebate program, they’ve harnessed a veritable storm of photons, with returns casting a golden hue on ledgers, the state cap doling out rebates for every watt installed.

Wind through the quaint town of Hollis, where a dairy farm became more than a cornucopia of local cheeses and fresh milk — it evolved into a poster child for solar success. With the USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants in hand, solar arrays now bask on barns, cows graze to the hum of renewable energy, and operational costs plummet like autumn leaves.

Even individual homeowners fling open the curtains to bask in solar generosity thanks to the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and net metering policies, which have made tales like that of a Nashua family not a whisper on the wind but a renewable symphony. Their residential solar system, which just years ago seemed as distant as the peaks of Mount Monadnock, now keeps the meter spinning backwards and the electric bill at bay, a genuine narrative of transformation fueled by glistening incentives and a state fervently committed to a greener tomorrow.


In the verdant expanse of New Hampshire, the solar revolution is illuminating homes and businesses alike, thanks to an impressive suite of incentives, tax credits, and rebates in 2024 that are making free solar panels not just a dream but an attainable reality. The Granite State, characterized by its robust seasons and eco-conscious populace, has unfurled policies that markedly reduce the economic barrier to solar adoption. The New Hampshire state government, aligning with federal Renewable Energy Standards, offers a Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption that liberates solar adopters from additional taxes on the increased property value due to solar installations. Further sweetening the deal, the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) provides a robust 26% deduction on solar systems, amplifying savings and making the sun’s bounty even more lucrative. Local rebates, like the NH Public Utilities Commission’s Residential Solar rebate program, slash installation costs further — a boon for homeowners seeking sustainable energy solutions. Furthermore, performance-based incentives, including net metering, allow for a credit on electricity bills for any surplus power generated. This compelling ensemble of financial mechanisms creates a sun-splashed landscape ripe for investment, beckoning New Englanders to harness clean, cost-effective solar power. All these factors coalesce into a formidable argument for exploring solar energy options in New Hampshire, where eco-friendly living and economic pragmatism bask under the same bright sun.

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List of References

  1. «What are megawatts and kilowatts, how to use it?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «Solar Energy As Investment: 12 Pros and Cons Of Solar Energy». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «Solar Farms: How Does It Work?». Site: «Solar Power System»



Leslie Larosa

I am a writer, weaving words into captivating articles. My mastery of this craft allows me to paint vivid pictures and inspire minds.