A brief analysis on the investor’s visa in UAE

2 min readOct 23, 2021


Then UAE government has brought lots of reforms on the long term visa and this allows you being an investor you can go for the long term visa.

There are four type of options to get residence visa in UAE

A common question rises in mind of an individual as an investor that what are the benefits of such type of visa. UAE is an expat driven country while the natives are separate from the expats, yet the expats covet to visit and stay within this country because it is a wonderful place. Know more on the Mainland License cost in Dubai!

When we talk about the benefit of the residence visa then it can be said that one can live in this country and do the business or job but he will not get the free health or education benefits which he has to manage on his own. So if one has residence visa for 5 years or ten then a person can live in his native country but in case of any calamity that took place in his country then he could immediately move to this country on the basis of residence visa which he already has. The best free zone in UAE is in Dubai!

For example that many Canadians who are the UAE residence visa holder came to UAE during the pandemic hit to take a shot anti-dose of Corona because it was easily available in UAE than Canada.

2 years visa

In order to get 2 years visa one should buy a property here that should worth minimum 1 million Arab Emirates Dirham without mortgage. Once the renewal time will come then it would be checked that the holder of this visa still satisfies the property ownership mandates or not.

5 years residence visa

The one who applies for this has to buy a property in UAE which should worth not less than AED 5 million. One has to assure that there should be no mortgage and the owner ship is retained by the owner perpetually for the next five years.

5 years retirement residence visa

To get this visa an applicant should be more than fifty five years in age should be the owner of 2 million dirhams. The monthly income of this individual should be more that AED twenty thousand Dirhams, and then only he will be eligible for this visa. Apply for offshore license Dubai!

!0 years residence visa

For this visa the investment threshold is 10 million dirhams which means that the applicant should have invested 10 million dirhams in company, and he should maintain the owner ship for at least 3 years. The sixty percent of his investment should be a non-real-estate[L1] based and all this should be not through loan.


