Y. Pena
4 min readJan 16, 2018


* In Ancient Greece — Aristotle is quoted as saying, “It is this simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated . . . [they can] charm the crowd’s ears more finely” .

* In the Book of Philippians 4:5 NKJV — Jesus Christ said, “Let your moderation be known unto all men”.

* In the Renaissance Period — Leonardo di Vinci said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

* In the Victorian Era — Oscar Wilde was quoted as saying, “Everything in moderation, including moderation”.

In all seriousness, we must analyze these quotes to understand how they apply to our lives. We understand these quotes to mean relatively the same thing. They mean that there’s no need to go overboard with your demeanor, clothing or show of knowledge/wealth.

  • Aristotle, the great philosopher was saying, that upon first look, the well-dressed and well-spoken person might be able to convince others of his/her point but if you really listen to them you might find out something different
  • Jesus Christ tried to relate to others, by example, how one doesn’t need to be ostentatious
  • Leonardo Di Vinci was saying, I believe, that one can find beauty in the natural
  • Mr. Wilde was known for his impromptu comedic relief but was saying that we should not take anything to excess

From the ancient times to the present day, people have been holding fast to the same idea. This trend of thought is as true today as it was in the Aristotle’s time. Most likely, this idea has been stated before and in recent times by others. Why . . .

Because it possesses a ring of truth.

Our mothers were always telling us when we were teenagers, “Simplicity is Elegance”. This brings to mind the little black dress with a necklace of small white pearls and high (maybe kitten) heels. The black dress is elegant yet makes a statement. You don’t need to heap accessory after accessory on yourself. Stylish shoes, stud earrings, one ring, a watch (or bracelet), a single string of pearls, and a simple but classic hairstyle are sufficient. This makes everyone sit up and take notice.

Not wearing a boatload of accessories allows the wearer to make an exquisite entrance just by being her/himself.

How anyone dresses for social or business occasions defines how important they think they are in society’s eyes. Well at least, it defines what they think of themselves. This in turn, defines how others view their worth. This calls to mind a time that I was dressed well because of an event immediately after work. A member of the public asked me if I was in a higher position than what I was. This gave me such a thrill.

There’s no denying that we need to dress appropriately for our jobs according to our duties. We should give dressing up a try during the times we are off work. Whether it’s going to the mall or to the grocery store. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive clothing or accessories. We just need to feel good about how we are dressed and feel comfortable in what we are dressed in.

Another saying comes to mind, “The clothes make the man”. Clothes give the wearer the confidence to present him/herself in a more positive light.

You might be thinking, “Should we be depending on external things to define our self worth”? In my humble opinion, clothes might help you get your foot in the door but what lets you stay in the room is WHAT YOU KNOW. In other words, yes clothes will impress the interviewer but what keeps your job for you is KNOWLEDGE that is gained by EXPERIENCE.

Another saying I’ve heard is:

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”.

I can see their point of view. They might have heard of some people who have “gotten ahead” because of the people in positions they know. Soon some of these people who have climbed to the top of their professions get to be known as incompetent. This is because they no longer have the current job skills necessary to perform effectively, therefore business suffers. At this point, the person can wear designer clothes but that won’t help them; they just don’t know what they need in their new position.

According to the Peter Principle in business management, “[People] rise to their level of incompetence”. This means that employees stop being promoted because they can no longer perform effectively at their job. My point is that clothes do help; but only to a certain extent. Our staying power on the job is directly tied to our knowledge/experience base.

This is only obtained through education and experience that we get in school and on the job throughout the years.



Y. Pena

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” — Mahatma Gandhi