An Open Letter to the Stranger That Drew Me

Leslie Thomas Jr.
2 min readDec 30, 2016


Dear stranger,

I had no idea what to expect when I first saw you.

We were both visiting a city that we weren’t familiar with.

You were visiting from the Eastern Cape, and I was visiting from the United States.

Never in a million years would I expect to have a conversation with you in an American Bar in Africa.

When you asked me to find a pen and a piece of paper in 30 seconds,

I thought that I was going to get your phone number.

That wasn’t the case.

Instead, you told me to speak to someone while you draw my face.

You had no idea who I was, but you wanted to draw me.

Nervous as one could be, I started talking to the first person I saw about everything, from politics to cats.

In one minute, you stopped me in mid-conversation to show me your final product.

The outcome was beautiful.

It has been 5 months since I last saw you, and this picture still holds a special place in my heart.

I may never see you again, but if I do, just know that I will have the picture with me to remind you of that moment.

So I thank you, stranger, for drawing me and showing me features about myself that I would often ignore. I had recently cut my luscious locks, and because of you, I was able to embrace my new look.

Thank you for reminding me how a stranger can leave an impact on me without even knowing who I am.

